Update for the workout plan ya'll made for me.
Sudden change to ICU means that I'm now routinely doing 10-15K steps in a day, so while I've been good about still going to my gym to keep my schedule up, most of my lifts have completely plateaued until my body gets acclimated to the new demands. Also having difficulties eating enough on those days- I've had one where lunch didn't occur until 5PM, so if anyone wonders why all of nursing is suddenly unionizing oh boy lemme tell ya lol
Everything so far is still on a steady climb, though without calorie counting I could be doing far better. Notably, I dropped my 3x8 squat from +225 working to 135, now back up to 185; except I'm not using a belt this time. I feel better doing that, and now I'm only belted for deadlifts sometimes which is absolutely having an effect on my core.
I'm still looking at doing a little Jui Jitsu, but I'm rapidly running out of time with my hobbies lol
In reply to GIRTHQUAKE :
When I plateau, I shake things up.
Usually this means I drop weight and up reps substantially, then build weight back up gradually while lowering reps as necessary. I usually end up blasting past my plateau.
I've mixed up my program, was basically sticking to 3x5 starting strength, but some days just really, really had a hard time getting into the mindset for heavy squats. I also wanted to focus a little more on hypertrophy instead of pure strength gain. I also went on a pretty severe carb cut and lost about 50 lbs in 7 months, so all my numbers had to reset anyway. I'm doing 3x9 front squats instead of 3x5 back squats, 3x9 benches, 3x9 bent over rows and then 2x11 arm accessories. B workout is 3x9 pull downs, 3x9 bench, 3x9 front squats, 3x9 RDL and some arm accessories. Feels good to mix it up. My gym doesn't have a deadlift platform, so doing heavy DLs without trying to make a ruckus is tough.
9/27/23 1:15 p.m.
In reply to GIRTHQUAKE :
If I were in your shoes I would try to force some Jiu Jitsu into my schedule, even if it meant dropping something else. The benefits of learning and practicing Jiu Jitsu go far beyond simply learning the art it's self.
Another vote for jiu jitsu, specifically BJJ.
Excellent test of strength and ability, gives you a lot of ideas for where and how you can improve, physically. It was a great cure for being bored with working out for vanity's sake. How strong are your hips?
No other aerobic conditioning like it; the best way to prepare for BJJ is sparring.
Two days into my revised plan and I'm already feeling a lot better. This routine is a lot like the one I'd had success with for a couple of years pre-pandemic, and I'm hoping it will yield similar results over time since I know it's one I've been able to stick with in the past.
9/30/23 12:40 p.m.
infinitenexus said:
Been nursing a sore shoulder so I've been working with more sets, more reps, and lower weights. Also been trying some new lifts and new tweaks to old lifts, really paying attention to what feels best. I haven't done flat bench press in a while, I've just been doing incline. I've also been working hard on getting enough calories in each day and not missing any meals or snacks, and my weight is up to 175, which is great (I'm only 5'7"). I told myself if I hit 180 while staying this lean, I'll try my hand at making some videos and being a fitness influencer for a while. If nothing else it'll motivate me to workout better.
I'm focusing on bulking until the end of the year, and in January I'm going to work on burning off a few pounds of fat.
Oh, I've also noticed that while my squats have gone up, my legs are still skinny but I have a big butt. That was a pretty good sign that I need to modify my form, so I tried putting a 5lb weight beneath each heel, and that made a huge difference. It allows me to keep my torso more upright (which also helps considering my bad back) and put much more emphasis on my quads. I squatted 70lbs less than normal and got twice the workout.
I'm also looking at some things to focus on health and longevity, since a high calorie diet sometimes includes some pretty crazy things—like my breakfast this morning contained 134g of carbs. That's a lot of pressure on my pancreas, so I'm talking to my doctor in a few days about using small amounts of insulin prophylactically, to help prevent beta cell burnout and insulin sensitivity.
We are the exact same height and weight but, you're quite a bit leaner which means you carry more muscle mass than I do. I have an odd question: do you float? I do not. Even in saltwater. According to a somewhat recent lung function/capacity test, I have small lungs which I assume contributes to my negative buoyancy.
10 weeks in and 10 lbs lighter. I'm still worried about the event in two weeks. It's long for my first attempt after several years off. One of the shirts I got 10 years ago is starting to fit again. There is a good chance this time around I may end up smaller, stronger and faster than I was 10 years ago. I'm already working on my plan post event, and then I will have to find another. There aren't as many events as there were when I lived in Dallas, but I need an event to get me motivated. I need something to train for.
In reply to The_Jed :
It's been a while since I've been in water, but I'm definitely not as buoyant as I used to be.
Ugh, back to this thread. What a E36 M3 year for me.
I'm back to doing limited-equipment workouts. I have a 16 and 24kg kettlebell in my apt, and the apt gym has dumbells up to 50lb. Anyone have any recommendations for good programs that would work with the light dumbells?
Recently I've been doing push, pull, legs one week and crossfit-style workouts the next. Its working, but its hard to guage the progressive overload needed to really make progress.
Back to the real question I had coming in here: What are you guys doing for shoes? Anyone have Nobull? Anyone have a cheaper alternative? Is there such thing as a physical location one can go to try these? (I tried a Dicks sporting goods, fleet feet running store, new balance outlet, etc. and no luck)
Looking for something that wont wear out right away, is very solid for lifting (i.e. not squishy like a lot of running shoes), and has a minimal drop, if any. But I still need to be able to run in them.
I liked innov8 for my CrossFit shoes.
ProDarwin said:
Back to the real question I had coming in here: What are you guys doing for shoes? Anyone have Nobull? Anyone have a cheaper alternative? Is there such thing as a physical location one can go to try these? (I tried a Dicks sporting goods, fleet feet running store, new balance outlet, etc. and no luck)
Crossfit shoes are the animals you're looking for. Nike Metcon, Reebok Nano, Nobull, etc.
Dick's usually has Metcons. DSW has pretty much everything.
I change shoes a lot based on the exercise I'm doing.
In reply to ProDarwin :
I use Merrell Trail Glove, a barefoot shoe. Despite being a running shoe, they are zero drop, wide toe box and so on- pretty much a thin sole to keep things from stabbing into your feet. It might take a bit to get used to them if you're used to squishy running shoes.
My wife uses Xero shoes. Same concept, a bit more budget friendly.
I used to use Merell Trail Gloves but 1) I could destroy a pair so fast and 2) they are basically like lifting barefoot, and I'd prefer more arch support than that.
I think its time for me to just suck it up and order a Mecon, Nano, etc. and try them all on and send back the ones that dont fit. I don't think I will find them all in the same store.
10/2/23 2:02 p.m.
Edit: I have nothing of substance to ad to the shoe discussion.
Had another good open roll session yesterday. I was finally able to locate my rashguard! I had given it to my youngest kid when I thought my martial arts days were pretty much over. Some of the rust is finally starting to go away and I'm feeling more at home on the mats again. I still and probably always will struggle with "striker's brain" when it come to MMA/grappling; I always want to default back to punching. Oh well, it's still lots of fun.
Too many shoes. Trail gloves for messing around on grass. I use old school Chuck Taylor Converse in the gym to lift. I wear Merrell for daily use, and have Altras for running. I have mountain bike and road bike cycling shoes. And then there are dress shoes and boots... too many dang shoes. The oldest Merrells get used for lawn and garage duties.
Using the wrong shoes for anything can lead to foot, knee, hip or back problems. Choose your shoes wisely.
10/4/23 1:41 p.m.
I rested and did some mobility stuff Monday, then did day 3 of the GRM/Beer Baron/Girthquake program yesterday and since I was still stiff and sore from grappling my intensity level for the workout wasn't 100%.
Last night after work I watched this:
Buff Dudes do Aleksandr Karelin's wrestling workout
So, today I figured I'd give that a shot (with a few obvious modifications, my gym wouldn't take kindly to me throwing their kettlebells) and it is an ass kicker! I'll definitely be adding that to my ever-expanding list of workouts. I'll have to add in either some pull ups or bodyweight rows somewhere... probably after the Zerchers.
I need new shoes. I'm still using an old pair of Reebok running shoes that are probably 5 years old. Better shoes would probably help with my back pain as well.
It is so cool to feel my shirts getting tighter across the shoulders and looser across the waist. Just saying
Same on the shoes. I'm using "barefoot" style saguaro's for lifting and jogging. Or honestly everything, I've really liked these thin ones.
I've plateaued a little bit on my calisthenic skills and my weight dropped back down 5 lbs or so, so I decided to back off of them a little bit and add in more general strength training. Yesterday was
- 4x3 Muscle Up
- 2x8 Pull up +25lbs / 2x10 Dip +25lbs
- 2x8 Chin up +25lbs / 2x10 Dip +25lbs
- 3x5 Front lever pulls / 3x8 Pike press
It felt pretty good and I'm feeling good today. I need to add some lower body training back in. It's been hard to find the time at home since setup takes so much longer and bodyweight lower body is just muscle endurance/cardio training.
On the shoes, I love my Xero Prio's for daily wear and most exercise. I do run in Altra's though.
I like my Vibram Furoshikis as a multipurpose fitness shoe. Flat, flexible and comfortable, without the weirdness of the FiveFingers style.
I like Vivo Barefoot. A podcast I listen to did a discount code on them a while back, so I figured I'd give them a shot. I'll keep going back after this pair wears out.
10/6/23 12:51 p.m.
I did the GRM Program day 1 workout today, then added in some Cossack squats. I stretch every day but, I definitely still need to work on hip mobility. I also tried some prone, unilateral, cross-body, dumbell presses... it's something I saw in a video from the DaruStrong Youtube channel. It sounds overly complicated but I liked them.
10/6/23 3:27 p.m.

I post some pictures of myself putting epoxy primer on the truck as photographed by my daughter. A get one reply (nobody watches my FB stuff) "Looks like you haven't been skipping arm day"
Not nice: I pulled a muscle somehow in my neck during the inclined chest press. I was only doing 100 lb, which is typical, and everything had been fine. It felt like a cramp at first but it's still sore two days later.