In reply to Beer Baron 🍺 :
Nice! I don't think the pistol squat is given enough credit considering the coordination AND strength required to pull one off properly, let alone 11. I'm still progressing to get full depth on pistols. I jumped ahead to try it out without warming up and caused some knee problems that lasted a couple months. I was able to get it fine with my right leg, but not with the left. Apparently my knees were pointing in which is a big no no. After that I decided to take my time using a "pedestal" where my butt hits before I go upward. I don't sit on it, just a depth gauge. Down to about 14" and getting closer to full depth very soon though with about 10 reps on 3 sets.
As for hangboard I have the Metolius project at work which is plastic. Really like it for the texture but also have a Metolius Wood Grips Compact II at home that makes it considerably more challenging. Less texture so it kinda ups the effort for grip. I didn't use chalk with my plastic one at first but basically had to once I tried wood. Both of mine I found on Marketplace for less than half of what they are new, and they were barely touched. I think I have maybe $70 into both, so highly recommend finding someone selling them cheap before getting new.
Oh, and an introduction of myself to this thread. I'm 41 years young, 6' and hover around 165-170lbs depending on how strict I get with diet. A few years back I decided to take charge of getting mobility back plus dump some weight as I was hovering around 185-190. Wrist problems, a persistent knee problem, a bout with plantar fasciitis, and just generally unfit. I always liked calisthenics since it requires very little equipment, sometimes zero so it was where I started my journey.
Loosely following Convict Conditioning I started a Push/Pull/Hinge/Legs routine a few times a week. Pullups/chinups were always easy for me, so I've been lucky in that regard. Pushups, and some variety of core work like leg lifts or russian twists. Legs were mainly a mix of bodweight squats and lunges. Nothing fancy but it was a great base to start with, as I saw great progress in a short amount of time.
I'd say within 3 months I had lost 15 pounds while gaining muscle mass. I always try to focus on strict form more than reps, which has paid off well I think.
I also started climbing indoors which is such an awesome way to stay fit but have fun doing it. Started with top rope, then to lead climbing a little. Recently been doing more indoor bouldering, some outdoor lead, and a little top rope indoors if I'm crunched for time.
After a while I wanted to add in some weight training but don't have space for gym equipment, so I bought a cheap X3 knockoff sort of thing (TESLANG brand) on Amazon that uses resistance bands instead of freeweights. I've since found a somewhat better bar that's cheap and easier to load bands by GEKU Fit. I made a platform with a 12x18 1" thick cutting board with rubber feet screwed to the bottom. It took some getting used to, but I am able to use it for a nice front squat, decent deadlift, overhead press, curls, and reverse curls. Once you start to double up on the heavy bands it's hard to overload for legs, so reps start to get into the 15-20 range.
So that's mostly caught up. For quite a few months last year I was having some terrible tennis elbow, but finally got that in a good spot by actually putting in work for rehab. Unfortunately about 4-5 months later I developed golfers elbow from over working my right arm due to a slightly ruptured pulley on my left hand. Climbing is kinda funny like that. I am finally putting in solid effort to work on the golfers elbow, and getting back into a groove. My workouts there for a while were getting not only sporadic but also kinda aimless. I'm trying to restructure my program to be more sustainable and easier to hold myself accountable. Also trying to add back in some mobility stuff, mostly related to lower body for better hip function on and off the climbing wall. I like yoga but need something that's more active in stretch vs a lot of the passive stuff that's used in routines. So far horse pose has made a huge improvement but also need to explore further than just one movement. I also need to add back in some core work. After a while I dropped that out of my routine since I get quite a bit just with stabilizing through pullups, pushups, or dips but think there may be some bridge work and core in general that can help everywhere.