... at times I had to wonder if there was jus somethin' a little fishy there 
I'll be awaiting a follow up study with baited breath.
In reply to Woody:
Don't come near me with that breath!
Guess I won't be playing the skin flute anymore...
Oh.. It meant errr... Uhhhh...
Sorry honey, I don't want throat cancer.
Cancer is why I won't move to California. Apparently everything causes cancer there.
keethrax wrote:
Cancer is why I won't move to California. Apparently everything causes cancer there.
Just mentioning it can give you cancer....
Sorry :(
Biting my errr. . . Tongue on this one
But, if you HAD to get cancer...
I guess I'll see you guys on the other side... 
turboswede wrote:
keethrax wrote:
Cancer is why I won't move to California. Apparently everything causes cancer there.
Just mentioning it can give you cancer....
Sorry :(
Well there goes my evening. 
Methinks the game is worth the candle.