6/24/13 9:10 p.m.
My MR2. Not my F250. I was there first.

There was about 8 inches between my door and his running board. I had to fold in my mirror to get past his rear fender lip.
For what it's worth, my car isn't lowered. The roof comes up to the top of the door handles on that truck.
That's the kind of E36 M3 that motivated me to keep a valve core removal tool in my ashtray. 
I've had worse driving a small bright red car. Once I had to go in the passenger door, release the handbrake, and roll the car out.
I've parked my F-250 like that but only when I find a car taking up two spaces so that no-one parks next to them.
My truck is worth less than my shirt so I win.
In your case, I think you're allowed to remove all four valve cores and leave three taped to the windshield.
At a shopping center today, I arrived to find a car in about the 4th parking space which was over the line, taking up some of the 3rd parking space. I parked farther out. Walking past, I noticed that the offending car was also pulled too far forward and into the the space that would be "bumper to bumper." What this really result in was a single car that was encroaching on 4 parking spaces! Mostly in one but additionally in 3 others.
New Reader
6/24/13 9:50 p.m.
You wasted a great spot!
There is a foot to the right available as buffer. I never waste it.
Not excusing the 250 "driver", however, that seems to be about the norm. One would think 250 manliness would dictate more pride in parking lot ability but my experience says no.
Great car btw.
6/24/13 9:53 p.m.
If I can reach the side of the offender with my hand while seated in my car, I do things to the offender on the way out. I don't normally advocate the damaging of vehicles, but I've been known to draw a cockandballz or several all over the side of the vehicle they clearly do not care about.
In reply to Adrift:
Good point, in my Miata, I always seek out a spot like you got with the MR2 which is guaranteed to not have a car on one side. But once I have found the spot, I exaggerate the advantage by parking very close to the curb so as to put maximum distance between me and the "wild door swinger" next to me.

Trans_Maro wrote: ...remove all four valve cores and leave three taped to the windshield.
I have to remember that one. 
EastCoastMojo wrote:
That's the kind of E36 M3 that motivated me to keep a valve core removal tool in my ashtray.
A small pebble works in a pinch. Unscrew the cap, roll the pebble in, screw the cap back on...no evidence in one's ashtray.
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Trans_Maro wrote: ...remove all four valve cores and leave three taped to the windshield.
I have to remember that one.
Berkeley that. Nobody has 2 spares...
Secretariata wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Trans_Maro wrote: ...remove all four valve cores and leave three taped to the windshield.
I have to remember that one.
Berkeley that. Nobody has 2 spares...
True, but all four REALLY drives the point home.
Less malicious and passersby get to enjoy it, too:

Have you been reading my play book by chance
Trans_Maro wrote:
In your case, I think you're allowed to remove all four valve cores and leave three taped to the windshield.
6/24/13 10:42 p.m.
Yeah, I would have given anything for one of those "You park like a shiny happy person" tickets.
ETA: I didn't park closer to the curb on my right because I wanted to back out while turning to the left, so that space would have come in handy.
6/24/13 10:44 p.m.
Same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I had to climb in the passenger side while muttering profanities to myself.
I'm getting better. After having it happen a couple of years ago in Toronto, I searched around until found a nice dog turd, and used a piece of newspaper to jam it up under the door handle...
6/24/13 11:03 p.m.

Love it.
I had a guy do this once with a Buick. My wife had to climb over the console and pull the car out so I could get in.
Valve core removal tool? You're too nice. I tin snip the bastard's stems that park that way.
Appleseed wrote:
Valve core removal tool? You're too nice. I tin snip the bastard's stems that park that way.
I think the idea there is that coring the tires isn't really destruction/damage of property, just massively inconveniencing an shiny happy person.
New Reader
6/25/13 12:53 a.m.
i keep a stack of these cut down to a 3x4 or so in my glove compartment so i can kindly spread some disney love in exactly these situations. under the wiper or jammed into the weather stripping works nicely and ensures that these clowns are reminded of how much they suck.
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Secretariata wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Trans_Maro wrote: ...remove all four valve cores and leave three taped to the windshield.
I have to remember that one.
Berkeley that. Nobody has 2 spares...
True, but all four REALLY drives the point home.
Less malicious and passersby get to enjoy it, too:
back in my more angry youth I would have my wife hop out and fold the mirror in and slip into the parking spot (and be 100% in that parking spot)...
I also had a few run ins with a next door neighbor (mean old hag) once she parked so over the line had I backed straight out my mirror would have taken hers out... I climbed in thought the passeger side... I then made sure to open my door as hard as I could a dozen or so times (I should have ripped her mirror off)... another time she took my spot (assigned) so I parked in hers and blocked her in on both sides... I'm still not sure how she got in the car and moved it the next morning
6/25/13 2:09 a.m.
I LOVE having a beater car! Nothing like driving through a busy Metro (DC subway system) parking lot behind three or four people who pass up a tight parking spot and say "MINE". What's the worst that can happen?
One time the wife called and said "I think someone brushed up against the CRX backing out of its parking space." I asked which side, and she said the passenger side. The passenger side that has the front fender that's been crashed and hammered straight once, and the passenger side that has dings and scrapes here and there all down the side. So I said "how can you tell?"
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Secretariata wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Trans_Maro wrote: ...remove all four valve cores and leave three taped to the windshield.
I have to remember that one.
Berkeley that. Nobody has 2 spares...
True, but all four REALLY drives the point home.
Less malicious and passersby get to enjoy it, too:
what if that guy was just trying to squeeze in between 2 cars that were parked in their spots kinda goofy because it was the only space big enough to fit the car, and what you see in that pic is what was happening after the other 2 cars left their spots?
I've had the opposite experience with the Hyundai. It's such a POS that I've had people avoid parking next to it, just because they presume that since it's beat up, I'll have the same disregard to their vehicles.
The Miata OTOH, I try to either find a very remote parking space, or an end space and park all the way to the far side of it.