So we recently ditched cable to save bucks and have been amusing ourselves with Netflix and YouTube through the Xbox. Recently I've found that most WEc, DTM, and ALMS races are available and pretty good quality wise. I can find quite a bit of WRC too. Anyone have a favorite race or some other hidden gem to recommend?
V8supercars. There are also some great 60's touring car races, Minis vs Cortinas vs giant Fairlanes and with drivers you'd recognIze.
Yes! Huge fan of the V8sc series. Will hunt for the old touring cars. Was it still called the btcc back then?
British Saloon Cars is more likely to get you some luck. "touring car crystal palace" gets you a good start, for some reason a lot of them seem to be at that track.
Two hour long BBC broadcast of the 1965 Monaco Grand Prix:
There's a lot of cool older stuff on this site...
I'll check those out. Found some old touring car bits. Great action but didn't find anything very long. Looking forward to the vintage Manaco. Pretty fun British get stuff as well as Japanese gtc races available out the too.
11/3/13 10:39 p.m. - Support series for V8SC. Basically vintage muscle cars with mildly modernized bits bolted on.
Should be no limit of old IMSA, SCCA, etc. races digitized and uploaded.
I was just going to say that I'm working through the 2013 Petit Le Mans on Youtube right now, but I see that you're already there.
You can also watch lots of SCCA World Challenge races at
not a great race but at about 29:10 the car I worked on, number 34 gets caught in a wreck and as it spins of camera it hits the pace car
11/5/13 12:39 a.m.
Go to YouTube and search for BTCC with the year of your choice.
You can get similar results by substituting DTM for BTCC- or a plethora of other series.
Have fun...
11/5/13 12:44 a.m.
Just do a search for '50's-'60's Sports Car Racing', there are some good Torrey Pines, Palm Springs, Sebring, Cumberland, Marlboro etc. vids. 
Wow! Just started the 69' manaco gp. What a hoot! Saw some 80's races too. Compared to the hollow shell SPEED had become this is way better. And yes the pphc w/ Ari is one of the best. I also recommend C'etait in rendezvous!