I just set up my PC in my garage with a wireless USB adapter. It is actually picking up my wireless gateway inside. Now I can keep an eye on GRM when I take a break from random projects. 
But seriously, SWMBO didn't want a PC in the house anymore because we have a laptop and a tablet. So I took it upon myself and stuck it in the garage. I didn't think I'd want one out here, but it's nice and quiet! 

... so you can GRM while you GRM.
7/21/13 7:26 a.m.
I have a laptop station above one of my work benches. Made a folding shelf so I can put the laptop on it when I need it, fold the shelf up between the wall studs when not in use. That way when I need info while working on a car I can go on All Data Pro and curse them for being useless, then do a youtube and google search and get the info for free 
Last weekend I was replacing the timing chain in the Saturn (preventive maintenance). I had the laptop on top of the race car so I could see Alldata Pro, checking timing marks etc.
Sometimes all this hi tech crap is A Good Thing. 
7/21/13 8:20 a.m.
Am I the only one who uses their laptop like a desktop, and their cell like a laptop? 
I'm going to make a set up for this instead of it taking up workbench space which it is right now.
There is plenty of space under the work bench, so I think I will make a shelf under there the PC can sit on. I want to make a shelf that also slides out so the Keyboard and mouse can sit on that so everything is neatly out of the way. The monitor however I will have to figure out, because it is an older flat screen with a base and I don't think it was made to be wall mounted.
yamaha wrote:
Am I the only one who uses their laptop like a desktop, and their cell like a laptop?
Im real close to my cell being my only computer outside of work.
Grtechguy wrote:
chandlerGTi wrote:
yamaha wrote:
Am I the only one who uses their laptop like a desktop, and their cell like a laptop?
Nope, that's me too.
That's me as well.
I was doing it before it was cool
I am now ebay ing from my cell phone EBAY ID whipteachr