It's one thing to hit a guy. It's another to have bounties. But to call out player's with previous concussions and tell your personnel to "keep hitting his head in the pile before you get up"? This guy needs criminal charges and jail time, ASAP. Concussions will eff up your life.
I think he needs to be out of football permanently.
He will probably catch on coaching college football. Isn't that a scary thought?
After the problems at Penn State and Texas Tech, I think colleges would be a bit pickier now.
I love the game of football, and really hope they quit sissifying it. That said, there is no room for bounties, or intentionally injuring a player....ever. Played correctly it is a violent game, but that is part of it's appeal. Ordering a monsterous defensive player to intentionally injure someone should be penalized as assault with a deadly weapon.
Crap like this is going to ruin the game. Soon there won't be any kids football, as it will be deemed "too dangerous". Well......except maybe in Texas...they will still play in Texas.
I feel like Gregg Williams just took something that comes in most any contact sport to a new level of nastiness but most any player will use a bit of extra physical contact to slow another faster or more skilled player down. I do it all the time in soccer whether it is giving an shirt grab or shoulder bump at the beginning of a run to slow a faster player down or going into a tackle a bit harder then really necessary (even if it is a foul) in order to make the other player think for a split second about going for a 50-50 ball. I am not defending Williams because he was intentionality telling players to injure people but to say that there isn't going to be at least a little bit of targeting of skilled players for cheap shots is just naive.
Random cheap shots are one thing, that's why they have 15 yard personal foul penalties.
Having a coach reward players for vicious personal fouls is another, and can't be tolerated. I think the commish was justified in kicking him out of the game indefinitely.
This kind of crap reminds me of Charles Martin who used to play for the Packers. Back in the mid 80's he had a "hit list" of players he was intending to knock out of the game written on the towel hanging around his waist. He gave Jim McMahon one of the cheapest shots in the history of football, well after the play was over. McMahon (at the peak of his career) was knocked out for the rest of the season. McMahon came back to play again, but was never the same.
Joe Gearin wrote:
Having a coach reward players for vicious personal fouls is another, and can't be tolerated. I think the commish was justified in kicking him out of the game indefinitely.
I agree. I am just getting tired of all this stuff on ESPN and Facebook about how all sports player should always be big cuddly teddy bears or some E36 M3 like that. There is always going to be a certain amount of nastiness that goes with about any contact sport (or hell even non-contact sport, baseball and basketball). It is part of the fun.
93EXCivic wrote:
Joe Gearin wrote:
Having a coach reward players for vicious personal fouls is another, and can't be tolerated. I think the commish was justified in kicking him out of the game indefinitely.
I agree. I am just getting tired of all this stuff on ESPN and Facebook about how all sports player should always be big cuddly teddy bears or some E36 M3 like that. There is always going to be a certain amount of nastiness that goes with about any contact sport (or hell even non-contact sport, baseball and basketball). It is part of the fun.
Agreed. I hate how they keep trying to take the violence out of football. It is a violent game....some of us enjoy violence. As long as there are parameters followed to reduce serious injury let them have at it.
There is a huge difference between being a hard hitting, good player and a cheap shot artist though. Having cheap shots rewarded by the coaches is disgusting, and has no place in any form of football.
In reply to Joe Gearin:
I think this video puts it well.
Charles Martin would have had his ball removed if we had been able to get a hold of him.
4/7/12 8:23 a.m.
Appleseed wrote:
Charles Martin would have had his ball removed if we had been able to get a hold of him.
Gotta say I'm a little disappointed in the Bears for not ripping off his head and e36 m3ing down his neck after a cheap shot like that.
What pisses me off is that the Ravens did this a few years ago, and IIRC, there were no suspensions. The Saints were one of the only teams in the NFL I "liked."
I remember when Dick Butkis played. He never made it a secret that he would eff you up on purpose. They put him in the Hall of Fame. I once saw him spear a kicker with a running start when there was no play going on. He commented after the game... something like (paraphrased) "I wanted him looking over his shoulder all the time".
"I never set out to hurt anybody deliberately unless it was, you know, important" --Dick Butkis
This just seems like old school football the way it has always been to me.
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker, et all:
I understand that there's always going to be rogue players or guys trying to knock each other up a little. It's a violent game and pounding during the play is their job. Cheap shots after the play aside, that's a whole different ball game than having your defensive coordinator telling you which body part to injure on each specific player and instructing you to keep slamming somebody's head into the turf after the play and as you get up. That E36 M3 will end careers, ruin lives, and can potentially be deadly.