RossD wrote:
I hope this hasn't been covered already but I picked up a Leinenkugel's Big Eddy Wee Heavy Scotch Ale (yeah, quite the name). It was quite tasty, but since I'm not used to talking about flavors and what not, I'll leave it at that. The one thing that I will mention was the 9.5% ABV, wow, that snuck up on me. The miata's convertible top will have to wait *another* night
I've heard good things about that beer and Leienkugel in general. I think I might have to pick some up since I'm out of 'special' beer. LOL Picked up a 12 pack samper of Sebago and a 12 pack of Sierra Nevada Summer last night. Need to get some heavy hitters in the fridge...
chknhwk wrote:
RossD wrote:
I hope this hasn't been covered already but I picked up a Leinenkugel's Big Eddy Wee Heavy Scotch Ale (yeah, quite the name). It was quite tasty, but since I'm not used to talking about flavors and what not, I'll leave it at that. The one thing that I will mention was the 9.5% ABV, wow, that snuck up on me. The miata's convertible top will have to wait *another* night
I've heard good things about that beer and Leienkugel in general. I think I might have to pick some up since I'm out of 'special' beer. LOL Picked up a 12 pack samper of Sebago and a 12 pack of Sierra Nevada Summer last night. Need to get some heavy hitters in the fridge...
I found a secret stash of Big Eddy (the Russian Imperial Stout - not the Wee Heavy,) this weekend. Four for suckin' down, four for aging. It's a long-gone seasonal, so grab a few if you find 'em. Funny you should say that about Leinenkugel; to me they're one of those "blind squirrel" brewers whose other stuff is garbage, but they occassionally knock one out of the park.
Had a bottle of Old Tom strong ale. Good stuff. Tastes like it might have some treacle in it, but it doesn't appear to. Nice, strong, roasty. Some sherry and molasses type flavors. It managed to have all the nice character for a roasted strong ale, but the mouth feel was smooth and drinkable. Not so thick that it tasted like a meal.

Been slumming lately - Sleeman's Original Draught. I believe they show the batch a picture of hops, but don't actually throw any in. A very Canadian tasting beer.

You could serve this to your kids or an ailing grand parent - very non threatening flavor.
Huh, I'm going to have to look for that when I'm up New England way.
Short version: Don't buy anything from Clown Shoes. Blech.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
Huh, I'm going to have to look for that when I'm up New England way.
Do you come up fairly frequently? I can have a bottle standing by - like I said, I've never seen them before and I'm not sure if they'll stick around.
Good news: KBS is getting better with time. The coffee flavors have mellowed out nicely, as has the whiskey. Mother of God. This may be the best beer I've ever had.
I go up at least once a year to visit the family. This year, I'm up for my sister's wedding, which is going to be in Fairlee, VT.
My brother stays in West Lebanon, I'm going to ask him to be on the lookout for it. Salem is a fair ways away from where I'm heading, but I do appreciate the offer.
All this talk makes me want a beer. I'm going to go get one, watch some TV and talk to my wife about our kayak plans tomorrow.
Plus: the Chickenhawk handle- were you involved in Army aviation by chance?
If you're driving by even I can have one availabe. Up to you.
Uh, no. I WAS in the Navy and I decided to bleach my hair. I had a reputation as a scrapper and would throw down with anybody despite my 5'5" stature and 130lb fighting weight. After the hair dye I earned the name Chickenhawk after Henery Hawk of the Foghorn Leghorn cartoons. LOL It's stuck for about 18 years now.
I cracked open the ceramic bottle of Rogue Imperial Stout, 2007 edition I'd been hoarding.
Too. Many. Hops. This was as hoppy as any IPA I'd ever had. I did not enjoy it nearly as much as I have enjoyed other Imperial Stouts, as most of the flavors besides alcohol were covered by the hops. Some coffee and toasted malt managed to sneak in at the front of a sip, but they were quickly overwhelmed by hops.
Hops, hops, hops. Screw you, Rogue. Way to ruin what could have been a complex, enjoyable brew by making it a one trick pony.
I seriously could have gotten the same effect by chewing on some roasted malt and Chinook hops at the same time.
There is still half a bottle left, sealed up. I'm debating pouring it out.
It's summertime!!! Okay, it FEELS like summertime in joe-juh, and my brain says "No more stouts and whaskey, feed me vodka and IPAs!!!"
Dogfish head "Burton Baton" may be my new fave IPA. English style old ale and impy IPA brewed seperately, then aged in oak barrels. NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!!
Followed the DFH with a Founders "Curmudgeon" Old Ale. Excellent stuff, though the DFH blew it out of the water.
Can't get over how good the DFH was, and does not taste anywhere near as boozey as the 10% ABV would suggest.
5/10/12 9:14 a.m.
Found this gem at the local gas station. The beer is completely mediocre, but it has the Most Awesome Can EVAR!

That's right, 1 liter of Danish beer with a picture of Leif Ericson killing indians.
Please procure me a label, por favor?
Sipping Red Brick's Wee Heavy. It's not bad, but a little too smoky for me. Not sure if that's from the Fade to Black/Shellfish poisoning deal, or if I just don't like smoky beers anymore.
Heavy Seas "Sea Nymph" seasonal is awesome. If you have a vagina.
5/17/12 12:10 p.m.
chknhwk wrote:
If you're driving by even I can have one availabe. Up to you.
I picked up a couple the other day - shoot me a message if you want me to hold one for you.
Last night, I tried a beer called Red Brick Brown and had a bizarre foamy mess of an experience.
It sat in my fridge for a couple days before I opened one. I popped the top and foam went everywhere. I let it sit for about 20 minutes, tried to take a sip, and my mouth just filled like crazy with foam. I tried pouring it into a big beer glass. No matter how carefully I poured it, the filled glass would easily be 90% foam. The whole bottle was like this.
I later opened a second bottle and had the same exact experience. Assloads of foam everywhere. I drink tons of beer, all different kinds, and I’ve never seen anything like this.
Dude, yee got a "gusher" bruh. Could be bacterial infection. In the future: Do not drink. It's not so bad when you're drinking some garbage like Red Brick
Much worse when you've aged a bomber for a year and open it for a special occasion.
I'd send them an email, and maybe they'll throw you a tshirt or some E36 M3.
Had "Troubadour Imperial Stout" draught at Taco Mac this weekend...after almost a fith of JD Single barrel...but before a bunch of vodka tonics and Forza 
AMAZING stuff. Complex dark fruit flavors, super malty, one of the best mouthfeels and finish I've ever had in a beer. Reviews of the bottled variety are not as great, so YMMV.
6/6/12 11:30 a.m.
In reply to Otto Maddox:
Sounds to me like "gushing", which is a very infrequent but well known issue with beer. Usually comes from a problem with the malt. It could potentially be an issue during filling, but that's unlikely. The beer didn't taste off, weird, or abnormally dry, did it? That would be a separate issue.
In any case. I would inform the brewery about the problem you had. They might appreciate it, and might send you some replacement beer. Look for a batch number on the bottles to let them know.
I continue to be mostly non-plussed by beers here. Although, it is now the season for Berlinerweisse, which I do enjoy. It's a low-alcohol very sour beer. I usually cut it with just a touch of waldemeister syrup (which tastes a bit like midori). A very uncommon style. Dogfishhead's Festina Peche is mostly in the style. Around here I get Beliner Kindl Weisse, although the other week, one of my professors tapped a keg of a batch he'd made at the institute's pilot brewery. That was awesome.

Here is a bunch of Chinese people from my class drinking it with varying amounts of raspberry syrup.

Dude, you should carry a gong with you. You know, for when they enter the room.
Like when this guy enters the room?

I don't think that is socially acceptable anymore.
6/6/12 3:40 p.m.
After trying the Leinies' Big Eddy Wee Heavy Scotch Ale, I went back to the liquor store and found 4 more bottles; score. But next to them was this little gem:

You could taste the bourbon flavors. It was...awesome.