JG Pasterjak wrote:
. I remember reading an editorial when I was in high school in the mid '80 in C&D or R&T about the writers doing some track testing and being approached by a guy who was asking them all sorts of questions. At one point, the guy says "Man, I'd like to go racing more than anything." And the writer basically said "Well, do it then."
Lotsa truth there. My daughter, at about age 6, said " Daddy, you should stop watching racing on TV and go do it." I now have a whole stack of trophies, a couple of class championships, some new friends/rivals, and lots of good memories.
The only bucket list thing currently is hitting the ITSpectacular at Mid Ohio... maybe this summer even. I think that should get the old ego back under control.
That was actually a Peter Egan column.
Keith wrote:
That was actually a Peter Egan column.
He may have had something similar, but this wasn't one of his. I think it might have been Kim Reynolds or Art St. Antoine. At any rate, it was someone I later met at a press dealie and discussed the column with and we both got a chuckle. I remember that the wannabe in question had a first-gen 300ZX.
I think the important lesson s that if you really want to do something "more than anything else in the world" you'll find a way. If other priorities get in the way, maybe that was never your thing to begin with.
I also think there's something to be said about regrets. When you look back, are you going to regret most the stuff you've done, or the stuff you'd wish you'd done?
LopRacer wrote:
Would like to see the Nurburgring and maybe even be able to drive it.
Getting on the Nurburgring is neither much more expensive nor complicated than getting to the Nurburgring.
And it is a highly memorable experience.
Ride a genuine "This is going to kill me" superbike: An R1/GSXR1000/ZX10R/CBR1000RR would do, but ideally, I would like to saddle up on the latest/greatest 1098 revision or BMW S1000RR.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
Keith wrote:
That was actually a Peter Egan column.
He may have had something similar, but this wasn't one of his. I think it might have been Kim Reynolds or Art St. Antoine. At any rate, it was someone I later met at a press dealie and discussed the column with and we both got a chuckle. I remember that the wannabe in question had a first-gen 300ZX.
Side Glances, Sept 1986. Peter was hanging with Allan Girdler when the 300ZX driver wandered up and Allan basically told the guy to change priorities. Is it sad that it literally took two minutes to dig that out of my library? I remembered the car too 
JG Pasterjak wrote:
I also think there's something to be said about regrets. When you look back, are you going to regret most the stuff you've done, or the stuff you'd wish you'd done?
That's exactly how I ended up in Colorado.
2/1/12 2:01 a.m.
Be a good husband, a good father, and a good man...( first two should take care of the third).
Incorporate Motorsports into a way to promote Diabetes Awareness...working on that.
Have one day when I don't have to worry about my sons blood sugar levels.