Back by popular demand, we'll have another smack-talking season of fantasy NFL, action, because we're too old to actually play with dolls.
If you'd like to join, here's the league info:
You'll need a free account if you don't have one already.
Join Here:
League ID: 2406424
League Password: grm915
Right now it's set up for 12 teams in three divisions. If we have more interest we can either add teams or add another league. If we have less, we can trim teams.
Auto draft on September 1st, so you can set your player rankings anytime before then.
14 week regular season, playoffs in weeks 15 & 16.
Playoff winners and league champ get a GRM prize pack*.
Scoring system has been changed from standard a bit. QBs get a bonus point per completion and lose a half point per incompletion. Two defensive players (DB and LB) are part of the roster, and defensive bonuses for low scores have been weighted a bitty more heavily.
Smack away.
(*may be worthless crap from around the office)
Boo for autodraft, but I understand why, and I'm in anyway. Because The NFC North Remembers!

Tom_Spangler wrote:
Boo for autodraft, but I understand why, and I'm in anyway. Because The NFC North Remembers!
You'll still be able to rank your players. Live drafts are fun, but it's no fun trying to get everyone's schedule to work out. Plus, the week after the final preseason game is Solo Nats week, so there's lots of competition for attention.
Joined but it didn't connect me to the league
ryanty22 wrote:
Joined but it didn't connect me to the league
Hmm. Did you follow the actual league link? So far we've got myself and two others, so registration appears to be working. If you can't get in send me an email at and I'll send a direct invite that way.
7/29/14 5:16 p.m.
aaaand registered. bring it!
Never mind, people fixed it for me, Im signed up
What about the pigskin pick em we did last year. Do you want me to set up another league for this season?
Mazdax605 wrote:
What about the pigskin pick em we did last year. Do you want me to set up another league for this season?
Sure thing. That was a neat format.
You're all berkeleyed now, gayslurs.
Yeah, set up the pig skin pick 'em. I just don't have the time to do a fanstasy league. The pig skin pick 'em takes me 10 minutes, which is great.
Fantasy league needs one more team to fill up at 12. If it fills, we'll open another league, and current owners will have the option of managing a team in both leagues.
And that's a full league. I'll start another in a day or two for any new folks who'd like to join. Current owners will also be welcome to manage another team.
New Reader
8/8/14 8:36 a.m.
there's no bench or flex? so aside from making making trades and adding dropping players, is it kinda just set it and forget it?
Should have been a six-player bench. Let me see if I did something wrong. I feex.
Football? What that? A device to make heal and toeing easier?
Yeah, six bench slots. They just aren't showing up on your roster page right now because there hasn't been a draft yet. I also added one reserve spot that you can be used to house injured players who you think may return, and one flex skill position spot for rb/te/wr.
will we know the draft order prior sept 1?
I thought it was that had an option to log in and pick.your own while auto picking those that don't log in. Might be something to look into.
Timeormoney wrote:
will we know the draft order prior sept 1?
Right now we're set for a random snake draft, which means draft order will be 1-12 then 12-1 then 1-12, etc. Order will be assigned 30 minutes prior to draft time.
However, since the league is full, I can randomize now and lock in the order.
How about this, make your case for or against setting a draft order by Monday morning. If there isn't a compelling argument against it, I'll set a draft order Monday.
Also, right now we're set for an auto pick draft, but you can still rank players. If we do a manual pick draft, it will auto pick for the owners who aren't present, but the ones who are there will have to wait around while everyone else's clock runs out. Again, make a case for or against. There's still time to change.
Once thing I'm not changing is draft day. Don't want to have a draft before teams make their final roster decisions and the last preseason game is in the books.
Don't have a problem with setting the Draft order or anything like that. I do however think that the Draft that allows people to log on and participate in the Draft while still auto picking for those that either don't have time or can't for whatever reason is the best deal. IIRC you can smack talk in chat while drafting too. It is fun.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
Also, right now we're set for an auto pick draft, but you can still rank players. If we do a manual pick draft, it will auto pick for the owners who aren't present, but the ones who are there will have to wait around while everyone else's clock runs out. Again, make a case for or against. There's still time to change.
I'm not sure how it works on, but I've done manual drafts on ESPN and it only waits for the clock to run out in the first round. After that, it realizes that that person isn't on and auto-picks for them instantly.
Draft order, the case for it being published earlier.
Knowing my spot in the draft will change my player ranking. The most obvious changes resulting from being either #1 or #12 with the snake of doom/joy.
Auto vs attended. I liked the auto-draft as it seemed like the easiest to organize and execute.
Overall opinion, someone else is doing all the work and I get to play; everything is good.