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vazbmw Reader
2/27/10 8:58 p.m.

I just opened F3 tonight, so it will be a while before I am up to speed

chaparral New Reader
2/27/10 9:03 p.m.

In reply to racerfink:

That video's pretty damning. The guy in the grey and white car clearly tried to get back to the line after a pretty dubious passing attempt and tried to force the red and white car back on line and just took out about five cars.

Wait, that was me in the grey and white car. Whoops. Sorry everybody and I'm glad nobody has to repair real sheetmetal.

oldtin Reader
2/27/10 9:04 p.m.

I couldn't top 70 until I hit the pits - NY was a lot of carnage. It was fun, but got a lot of work to do to hang with the two dicing for the front.

Thanks for getting this going!

maroon92 SuperDork
2/27/10 9:31 p.m.

yeah, this week I should take about 4 days off of work to practice... We shall see how things go next Saturday.

Josh Dork
2/27/10 10:11 p.m.

I was without power for a couple days, so I missed the start of this discussion, but I would like to join up for the subsequent races. My gamertag is JWBrockman.

GI_Drewsifer Reader
2/27/10 10:36 p.m.
maroon92 wrote: I have absolutely no idea what was going on...at all. There were cars that were flying, there were several instances of cars flat dissapearing and reappearing several hundred feet in front of me. At the end of the New York race, there was one car 9000 ft behind me, and somehow he passed me and took the position on the final straight. even after he passed me, it said he was thousands of feet behind.

Connection issues. FM2 does the same thing. I'm not sure why.

Tom Heath
Tom Heath Marketing / Club Coordinator
2/27/10 10:43 p.m.

I had a blast at Road America, and got through the beginning of New York well enough to make the win a matter of staying clean. I had some light contact with the Yellow car but I think maybe he was bouncing off the wall? This angle shows him pretty close to it. He spun off my bumper shortly after the second pic, but I came out of it very cleanly, only sheetmetal damage.


Chaparral and I had a great back-and-forth battle at Road America. I think we changed places 5 times or so with no contact, so it was a shame to see the massive pileup in the second race.

Thanks Maroon92 for setting up the series! Sorry you ran into lag problems.

Observations- 10 laps is a lot. I ran into the attention wall at about 8 laps, but they really could have been 5. Good times regardless, and I liked the mega-points from winning long races. I'll be back.

I'd also like to propose FM3 users to put your gamertag in your signature; if we get a good database of users together, it will be easier to get whole rooms. I think we had 7 drivers at one point, but we could easily fill more rooms with cool GRM folks. It was way more fun racing with you guys than the "normal" Xbox users.

friedgreencorrado Dork
2/27/10 11:00 p.m.
maroon92 wrote: I have absolutely no idea what was going on...at all. There were cars that were flying, there were several instances of cars flat dissapearing and reappearing several hundred feet in front of me. At the end of the New York race, there was one car 9000 ft behind me, and somehow he passed me and took the position on the final straight. even after he passed me, it said he was thousands of feet behind.

System lag. I saw it occasionally in FM2, but usually when playing folks from Europe/Asia (I don't get home from work until about 11p Eastern, and end up playing against those guys a lot). It was actually very distracting in 2, because your own xBox showed them as running off the road-and then zoomed them in front of you as the data was updated.

FM3 is actually a little worse at streaming the data through the servers (I guess there's more pixels to stream or something) than 2 was. And IIRC, the educated speculation is that server capacity is why Turn 10 screwed up the public lobbies in FM3 in the first place. All I know is that I've seen what you have, and have also seen cars floating in the air, or buried to the window frames in the road.

Still, sounds like lots of fun! I wish I'd been able to be there!

friedgreencorrado Dork
2/27/10 11:12 p.m.
racerfink wrote: Here it is! Just downloaded it, so the quality is still on the low side. But once it's fully processed, it should be 720p. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf4LJS4mUp4

Don't forget that there's the "limited" option for damage.

Or alternatively, kick the street courses..

chaparral New Reader
2/27/10 11:49 p.m.

Kick New York specifically. "Crap" is as concise and accurate a description as I can come up with for that course. When I go to New York I take the subway.

Tom, how did you get bored on lap 8 at Road America? That was the lap I caught you and passed up my last chance to overtake at the Moraine corner because you actually made the apex and I wasn't going to try an airborne-over-the-curb pass in my first ever GRM league race.

Tom Heath
Tom Heath Marketing / Club Coordinator
2/27/10 11:52 p.m.

In reply to chaparral:

I didn't say bored, it was more like brain fade.

I wish I had saved that replay.

maroon92 SuperDork
2/28/10 12:32 a.m.

Lap 8 at RA was about where I hit that same wall. I went deep into the braking zone, downshifted perfectly, but forgot to use the brakes, I ended up WAY into a sand trap, and that effectively halted my assault on 3rd.

I guess I will be bringing up the rear. I may as well rename myself Force India F1....

EvanB GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
2/28/10 1:23 a.m.

Did we track the scores? I was last at RA (almost got lapped) and second to last on NY. I need lots of practice this coming week so I can try to stick with the pack.

friedgreencorrado Dork
2/28/10 1:54 a.m.
EvanB wrote: I was afraid you were going to catch me on that last lap. Does anyone know why my car is level 337 and everyone else is 336? I have race tires, sport lighten, and Enkei RPF1s.

Rim choice often changes PI in Forza. The PI is mainly based upon power to weight, even when it comes to unsprung weight. They figure lighter rims gives you better acceleration.

Most of my losses in Forza (both 2 & 3) is because I build "replicas" of real world cars, instead of taking advantage of all the "cheater" BMW E36 that can be found in a videogame.

skruffy Dork
2/28/10 4:52 a.m.

Sorry I missed the first race, but I just got in at 5am... Anyway, if you'd like server space to host a leaderboard (someone else gets to code it unless you want a plain text document) or anything I've got plenty.

I'll definitely be in for next weeks race, the wife isn't likely to let me out again on a weekend after tonight.

racerfink New Reader
2/28/10 7:21 a.m.

I'm running the lightest wheels possible, and I'm only at 336 myself. It's got to be something else. The street brakes take it to 337, and running a street rear bumper, or a street hood will too. I'll look at the replay and see if it's any thing I can tell from the telemetry or bodywork.

My car was something I had set-up for C class. So when I built it up, I saved the build first, then went into Upgrade Shop, then hit the start button to go into Setup Manager. From there, you can go to "reset default upgrades". That will take the car back to stock form. Then you can go back and apply the parts you need. You already bought them, so they'll be "Zero" credits for you to buy back.

racerfink New Reader
2/28/10 8:48 a.m.

There doesn't seem to be any difference in the body work, so it's gotta be the street brakes. I think you might get a one point increase with the sport or even race driveline, so you might check that too.

Here's a race from early Saturday with some friends of mine from another board. I'm in the #9 car.


2/28/10 12:43 p.m.
Tom Heath wrote: I had a blast at Road America, and got through the beginning of New York well enough to make the win a matter of staying clean. I had some light contact with the Yellow car but I think maybe he was bouncing off the wall? This angle shows him pretty close to it. He spun off my bumper shortly after the second pic, but I came out of it very cleanly, only sheetmetal damage.

Thanks for the invite to race. I wish I could say that I bumped off the wall but the truth is that I downshifted too far. Doh! R isn't a good racing gear, hehe.

racerfink New Reader
2/28/10 9:45 p.m.

And while I'm uploading video's to YouTube...


oldtin Reader
2/28/10 10:28 p.m.

Was wondering what happened to you at RA Maroon - you were closing the gap and I was getting pretty sloppy and losing time.

93celicaGT2 SuperDork
3/1/10 7:56 a.m.

Hrmmm... sounds like i really need to get an Xbawks360.

maroon92 SuperDork
3/1/10 9:04 a.m.

You really do need to get one. It is a ton of fun, and if we don't have any more ringers mixing it up at the front of the grid, GRM Tom is going to run away with the standings.

(BTW, did anyone get the points figured out?)

93celicaGT2 SuperDork
3/1/10 9:48 a.m.
maroon92 wrote: You really do need to get one. It is a ton of fun, and if we don't have any more ringers mixing it up at the front of the grid, GRM Tom is going to run away with the standings. (BTW, did anyone get the points figured out?)

Who said i was a ringer? I'm sure i'll be terrible at this as long as car setup is limited. I'm not that great at GT4, i just sit there and tweak the car until it does what i want.

We'll see how March's finances look.

rebelgtp Dork
3/1/10 10:10 a.m.

I still need to get up to speed and get a few more cars and a ton of laps under my belt before I join online (not to mention a wireless setup).

Also I tend to be a bit aggressive and spin other cars out in corners and the like. I take full advantage of it only being a game. So I will need to clean up my act I think before I play with you guys.

Tom Heath
Tom Heath Marketing / Club Coordinator
3/1/10 10:41 a.m.

I can assure you I won't be ringing hard at most of these events. I know RA moderately well, but will struggle at other spots like Sebring. I also suck at finding a decent turn-in spot at Road Atlanta turn 1 for some reason.

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