Your name or car wasn't even on the track for me, both races, same as a lot of people.
Both races, I raced only Chimp, Brad, and Mini......
Your name or car wasn't even on the track for me, both races, same as a lot of people.
Both races, I raced only Chimp, Brad, and Mini......
You're in my replays. You were battling it out with the Alfa and I sailed by.
Then mid-corner an Elan hit me. Then the Alfa finished me off. The rest of the race I was basically on my own slowly eating at the lead but never making it.
hahaha I saw no Alfa...or Elan
That's weird, all I know is I stayed with Chimp the whole race.
That kind of pisses me off though....
?????? what the hell went on in this race hahaha
my car wasn't damaged for me and the only person I saw for 13 laps was Chimp and Mini at the first part.
What? if it's the yellow Alfa I ran that race without seeing anyone but Brad, and i'm kind of proud of myself I didn't spin a single time.
I do need to work on my close quarters driving though, I might need to get on this week with some of you and practice passing. I feel bad for some of the bumping that I was doing during the MX5 race. So I guess consider that my apology to everyone... I had a lot of fun, though.
I gave myself a 'fair disadvantage' (apologies to Mark Donahue). Zero warm=up/practice laps since I spent 30 minutes trying to stay in the room for more than turn one. Signing in and out and back in to PSN didn't help, nor did restarting the entire PS3, nor did rebooting my router. Finally what seemed to be the fix was to put my PS3 in a DMZ in my router. Maybe that is why some people were invisible to some others? I think without the DMZ the router may block some incoming traffic. Having some people essentially running a time trial when others have to fight through traffic hardly seems fair. Didn't make any difference to me, but whatever caused that we need to figure out and fix.
I get in the room about 15 seconds before race start and then get broken in T1 (I deserved it). I need way more practice running in traffic with real people. Too many years of racing against the stupid AI drivers has given me some stupid habits. I need more patience.
As far as the MX5 race, I hadn't run any laps at all in that car in weeks (I was consumed with SBC car selection and tuning). I did my warmup laps with comfort mediums and only switched to sports for the race start. I had no idea where my braking points were. Sorry to everyone around me. I Traded too much paint with ahutson on lap 2, but karma intervened and I totally ruined my car hitting the pit in guard rail on the inside of the final turn. The damage was such that the car would oscillate back and forth instead of just pulling to one side or the other. A pain for sure. Should've backed up the 20 feet and pitted, but limped around to the pits for about a 5 minute lap. Came out just ahead of Nick. I thought I did great by getting out of his way and not holding him up on the back straight. Of course, he didn't even see me. The next lap I let Chimp through in the same spot. That's about the most positive thing I did in both races. Pretty sad.
Looking forward to next week - hopefully I will learn my lessons from last night and be better.
Last night was good fun. I'm not sure what was going on with some people not showing up, I could see everyone in both races.
SBC - The Mini is slow. I am down 20ish HP to the rest of the group and it showed right as we started. I pulled to the right and watched the freight train cruise by me. I seemed to be well sorted (and I should be as much time as I put in playing with it); when I was able to get close to others I could easily out brake and out turn. However once the road straightened up and they would get their tires underneath them, they would leave me very rapidly. Looks like any advantage I have with braking and turning won't benefit me until Round 10.
MX5 - There was some seriously close racing the first lap. We were 2-3 wide for most of the corners and sharing each others paint. I know Apex and I banged doors a couple times. I think I could have contested for a podium spot in MX5, but my race was compromised in the hairpin when I got punted off into the infield grass. I am tentatively blaming Chimp, but will know when I watch the replay By the time I recovered and got back on track I was dead last about 5-6 seconds back. (begin bragging) I put together an epic drive from the back. With damage on the driver's rear section I was able to slowing catch and pick off positions. Took 2 laps to get by ahutson, but I finally was close enough coming out of the chicane to get a draft by pass. He got a bit ambitious trying to retake into T1 and went sliding off. Then I set to chasing aircooled. He had about 2 corners on me as I began chase. About half a lap later I flew by aircooled ghosted in the grass? I don't know what happened, but it was an easy pass. I think I was faster than apex and was closing the gap to him, but ran out of laps. I needed maybe another 5 laps to get him? I'm not sure I had anything for Nick or Chimp but I would have loved to give it a try. (/end bragging)
I'm going to work on pictures while I drink my coffee this morning. Expect something shortly.
If you want a copy of the replay, I believe you can download it from my profile (I have it set to favorites). It should have everyone's race on it.
I had a great time running next to the mini. I hope I gave you enough room I tried to make sure you always had options to get around me since you were so quick through the corners.
Well, if I got in someones way or hit someone or something I apoligize because I literally didn't see you. I wondered why I only saw Chimp behind me, I figured there would be more that I was racing.
SBC-I thought I would be slower considering Dave blew by me in Monza haha but Chimp and I seem to be close, him on the straights and me in the corners. I think I got it sorted out, just need to practice for each track. It was an awesome race though, last lap at the sharp s, I got too wide and hit one of those barriers which gave me a penalty so I didn't finish as close to Chimp.
MX5-same as SBC with seeing nobody else but I guess practice payed off lol It was interesting to see how everyones car reacted compared to mine though. I thought it was a pretty good race to, wish I could have raced everybody but Brad was on my tail for a bit until his spin but then Chimp was following me and lap after lap he satyed back a consistent amount waiting for me to screw up, and I did a few times which got him a little closer but held him off. *I did notice on the starting grid though that it listed me in first and there were 3 spots ahead of me, then it was Chimp in second, but he was in like 7th place on the starting grid haha
Coming to think of it, that DMZ may have cause problems because that mode opens it generally to everyone, that's why it's not recommended to do to a computer. Everyones name that I wasn't racing, in the lounge, where your name was was just with a black box instead of showing you were even in the room, it showed you were still loading. And also some of you didnt type which made me wonder. I had no problems seeing the rest of you before so unsure why this didnt go well. Maybe it is the DMZ, I don't know. I did changing of the DNS numbers and enabling UPnP which worked for me instead. TJ, try DNS-207-68-220-220 and 207-68-222-222
Can't wait for pictures though!
I couldnt see anybody the first race so I backed out of the room and came back in and that seemed to fix the problem for the second race
You weren't on my screen for 3-4 laps in the middle of the race and then poof you were back. I was wondering what had happened and then you were suddenly there. It was weird.
Maybe that Isuzu has some special powers
Oh ok, maybe I should have done that. I just hope something gets fixed or figured out for next race because I don't want that again
Dave- me? if so that's weird.......
don't think the Izuzu has any powers though
I don't have UPnP turned on on my router or at least not that the PS3 likes. I'll take a look at that. I just have the PS3 in my DMZ, not any of my computers.
I could see everyone though once I managed to stay in the room at all.
I think a lot of the mayhem was the inverted start. I know in both races me and Chimpy were 1 and 2 in qualifying and started in the back in both races. This resulted in a mad dash for the front. In both SBC and MX5 I must have passed at least 4 cars by the second corner.
SBC: As stated, started out by passing a few cars at the start then squeaking by someone on the inside of the 3 corner (a tiny bit of rubbing..). I basically spent the entire race following Chimpy and F40 and watching them ram each other (!). The Europa is not an easy car to pass with, it is pretty much a wobbly balancing act in any corner (fast if done right, grass collector if not) and not a great car for passing (I had to use some pretty weird lines).
I did pass both Chimp and F40 on the front straight at one point (might make for a good pic) maybe halfway though the race. We ended up three wide down the front straight, but I was not brave (stupid) enough to cut in front of them for a good braking position, so I got passed after the corner.
I played the waiting game and F40 managed to clip the chicane at the end of the last lap (only penalty I saw) and I passed him. I was probably 20 ft behind Chimpy at the finish (I think he relaxed a bit... almost a mistake)
MX5: Kind of disappointing. Had to make another mad dash to the front, almost got pushed off at one point. The turning point was drafting past Hudson into the chicane, braked to the outside of the corner and got blasted from the rear by a couple of cars, one of which damage my rear (no penalty for some reason) which ended my race.
In retrospect I should have played it safe and waited until after the corner to pass. Brad: I was in the grass after struggling with the rear damage and finally spun off and did more damage, I had to pit after that. I was catching back up with you after pitting, that is when I did the 2:30 lap.
Good fun, a bit frustrating. The SBC took a LOT of effort, I was sweating from it. One driving point: We do need to be a bit more careful about cutting in front into turns and following close into turns. If you are right behind someone into a braking turn, you need to back off, there is no way to react fast enough (makes you wonder how the real world guys do it).
Looking forward to doing some monkey slapping at rt5....
aircooled wrote: Good fun, a bit frustrating. The SBC took a LOT of effort, I was sweating from it. One driving point: We do need to be a bit more careful about cutting in front into turns and following close into turns. If you are right behind someone into a braking turn, you need to back off, there is no way to react fast enough (makes you wonder how the real world guys do it). Looking forward to doing some monkey slapping at rt5....
Yeah same here LOL certainly fun
but ok, see, I saw you nowhere in the race haha and I think Chimp didn't see you either as to why he may have let go a bit
and now that you say that penalty I had yeah, it still said I came in how are we going to do the points???
SWEET pictures!! Yeah my car wasn't damaged for me.....this sucks lol I saw only 4 of you lol
MX5 race actually looked good then and so did SBC and of course the most colorful car you can't export lol
NickF40 wrote: Yeah same here LOL certainly fun but ok, see, I saw you nowhere in the race haha and I think Chimp didn't see you either as to why he may have let go a bit and now that you say that penalty I had yeah, it still said I came in how are we going to do the points???
OK, that is weird. I definitely passed both of you at one point (that should have been obvious). I also drove right through you when you ghosted for the penalty and definitely finished 2nd, although I did not check the results after the finish...
We may be dealing with the fact that we are spread out across the country. I have a very fast and responsive connection, so I saw everything. I am on the far West coast, but I am not far from one of the major internet nodes (I think it is One Wilshire, Los Angeles).
What was up with that Elan? I followed it for a while, it was beat to sh&t!!
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