I've gotten to the point i can accurately work the gas and brake button at the same time with my thumb, sometimes using both at once to load up on corners. 
I know i'm giving up some to the wheel guys, but i really don't think it's that much at all.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Request approved!
You have a Celica... enjoy!
Thanks Brad. 
Probably leaving here in a bit, can't make it through a day of work just yet it seems. I'll head home and mess around with it a bit. Need to take another look at the rules and see what i can come up with. 
The thumbing worked great but I prefer the fingering method better, more control......oh wait.

First lap in my SBC car was a 1.56.201.
Still have a LOT of tweaking to do. Have some more weight to lose, and i'm only sitting at 178hp. Was hoping i could get the 207 target without turbo, but it's not gonna happen.
Going to try to hit a 1.54 before i finish prepping the car. 
Special Stage 5, hope that was the right one...
This challenge is bringing up an interesting quandary... I can (and just did) break into the 1:50s, but holy smoke show. I'm not sure if even comfort tires are going to last the full race with this thing.
(Got it to 206hp 
meh... My 180HP seems inadequate.
Tires were a challenge in the last series for sure; I don't think anyone pitted for tires in round 1. This series events are 10 miles (on average) shorter.
BradLTL wrote:
meh... My 180HP seems inadequate.
Tires were a challenge in the last series for sure; I don't think anyone pitted for tires in round 1. This series events are 10 miles (on average) shorter.
I think with my previous 178hp, i could have hit consistent mid/high 1:52s.
With my current 206 HP, i'm consistent low 1:51s now, but it's exhausting to drive, and will probably be REAL interesting with a bunch of other cars on the track.
I just threw down 5 laps all between 1:51.1xx and 1:51.4xx. Not sure how 17 laps of this will go. I'm counting on having to pit at least once. If not for tires, but for a spectacular wreck. 
I am making 206 hp with the Alfa and did not have to pit first round
Now you guys aren't using the power limiters right? I'm only at 191
I only did a 1:50 at best
and 92Celica, sweet! Now I have a drifting buddy because ask Dave or TJ....
hopefully we don't wreck lol
As if you'd know if you wrecked me anyway, you can't see me!
Nope, no power limiters. I have EVERYTHING possible on this car except for Stage 3 turbo. (It took Stage 3 engine and Stage 2 turbo for me to hit 206hp
Also weird... i think my Isuzu makes more than yours, but it's still under the 207 limit...
Yeah I mean mines at a respectable 191-192 and it handles decently but yeah, just was curious, is it the GT-R?
NickF40 wrote:
Yeah I mean mines at a respectable 191-192 and it handles decently but yeah, just was curious, is it the GT-R?
Nope, same thing as yours. 117 Coupe. Actually, i just looked... I've got the Stage 3 turbo kit on it and i've gone over the limit, i'm at 239hp right now.
I still have more power to make, though. Don't have Stage 3 engine, and haven't rebuilt this motor yet, either, it's pretty high miles. I bet you could shuffle stuff around to get those last few ponies with no problem. (Celica will still weigh less, though.
Oh, yeah mines the 1600 GT-R. I have it fully tuned everything but the turbo, it worked out perfect haha, not as light as some but powers there and rear wheel drive to throw it around
I have mine worked out so i'm not gonna mess with it, just refresh the engine every now and then and change the oil lol
Ohhhhh... i had the 117 as backup, so we wouldn't have been the same either way. 
I was thinking of using that one but saw I had this one
I just wanted one that I figured most wouldn't pick lol
... Too bad this isn't a time trial. Just cracked the 1:40s. 
Alright, Brad, he's flagged!! lol He had this game for 3 days and he's kicking our bums!! lol
welp i'm gonna throw this race away
I've been trying to break into the 1:39's in my miata but i'm hovering around 1:40.01 (SOO CLOSE!) in honesty, though, I haven't really been practicing (I can't even tell you what my SBC car can do, I simply don't know) because of school stuff. I probobly won't even make the race tomorrow because of a paper I have to get done quickly. I won't make next week either, I know that for sure. School is really ruining my videogame career!
It's all talk until the race happens. 
well in that case i'm getting 1:25's!