the Indy event is the oval. It was intentional.
Just some background on how I made the schedule...
The first series the theme I followed was "around the world". With that I used as many real world tracks and locations, and then went around the world to visit them. Starting in the US, going to Europe and ending in Asia.
In this series, the theme I went with was "challenge". I wanted to create different challenges from event to event. So you see a race track followed by a street circuit, night races, weather, an oval, a rally stage, etc. I figured that the gap in the performance of the cars would be less than the first series so I tried to create varied applications so that different cars / drivers could show their strengths and weaknesses.
Not sure how it will work out, but that was the design.
T.J. wrote:
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
If someone can tell me how to get pics off the playstation onto here, i'll upload a few pics of it and the Celica tonite.
Assuming you have already taken the pictures in the GT5 picture mode, save the pictures to the photo album in the PS3 main menu. Stick a thumb drive or even an ipod into one of the USB ports on the PS3 and copy the pictures to it. Stick it in a computer and upload pics to photobucket or other hosting site.
Sems like there should be a way to send the pics via the network to your computer, but I couldn't figure out how to do that.
Ah i was hoping it could be network based.. i don't have a thumb drive. Maybe i should buy one.
nooooooooo I cleared my evening tonight... I guess i'll just have to spend time with my wife ugh
3/9/11 11:23 a.m.
Thanks for the background Brad. No explanation is really necessary since you are the one that put this thing together so you can pick the tracks any way you choose. I'm sure the oval will still be fun. It will be a different challenge that is for sure.
can someone tell me what a PM listing is? I would like to join the SBC.
Scroll to the top of this screen and click on BradLTL's name to bring up his profile, then click on Contact in his description (it will open up an email address), then tell him what you are running.
Now what is there to do tonight 
you guys want to earn some money? help me do that 200 lap money glitch with me haha
Is it all of PSN that will be down? Or just the GT5 system?
3/9/11 1:40 p.m.
Just watched a video of that glitch. How people find this stuff I'll never know.
Yeah I know right! It's amazing, but I do want to try it lol
Dangit, I can race tonight and tomorrow but next week and the week after are probably out. Grr PSN
T.J. wrote:
Last night I installed the mid-range turbo in place of the high-end turbo. My peak Hp is now all the way down to something like 168 instead of 196, but I have about 20 ft-lb higher peak torque and the curve is flatter too.
Interesting.... I may run some practice laps tonight to see how much of a difference it makes.
Also... the official plan is to postpone this event until next week, same time, same channel.
Everyone gets an extra week of practice. I expect some low times to be lied about leading up to the race. 
T.J. wrote:
Just watched a video of that glitch. How people find this stuff I'll never know.
It is pretty crazy what people will do to "win" this game, even though your really don't "win" the game. I would be more inline with this attitude if the game actually encouraged you to do/learn useful things (in terms of driving) but that is not the case. Realistically, it is best to just enjoy it for what it is and I think that is what we are doing here.
We need to bring back games like PacMan and DigDug... it doesn't matter what you do, how good you are, you are going to DIE eventually!!... just like life!
I just ran a 1:00 flat in practice.
You're all doomed.
aircooled wrote:
Realistically, it is best to just enjoy it for what it is and I think that is what we are doing here.
We need to bring back games like PacMan and DigDug... it doesn't matter what you do, how good you are, you are going to DIE eventually!!... just like life!
First yeah, I like to think so! We are actually racing in a racing game, unlike what some people do on the online
and that made me LOL
I ran a 1:01, a few more laps i'll getcha
Anyone tried one of those Shuffle Races? I ran into one online and it was pretty interesting. You are assigned a random car at the beginning of the race (with the same performance value I assume). One thing I realized by doing that though is that I REALLY hate FWD cars!
I did blow away the field when we ran Monaco (this was right after we did our race) since I ended up in a mid engined car... ahhh joyous oversteer.
Yeah it can be great fun, seperates the cocks that think they can drive from the rest because those guys always come in last with those...some people's kids!!
ummm.....fellas? The server seems to be up...and running fine
I'm up for a practice session if anyone else wants to partake
SBC room: 1472-6118-3658-4760-9602
I'll be taking breaks to finish cooking dinner every once in a while, but I'll just park the car somewhere during that time.
damn we could have done the races tonight!