Oh ok sweet! I'm ready, guess i'll freshen the MX5 up and practice more drifti....I mean racing at Deep Forest with the Islowzu
Oh lucky you Brad lol I have 1 PS3 and 1 netbook and 1 Iphone
the netbook works fine all the time, the PS3, well you know that
5/18/11 11:42 a.m.
I'm not sure I could accurately list all the devices going through my router:
PC, Mac, netbook, ipad, two tivos, PS3, Wii, printer, NAS hardrive, iphone wifi, home phone. Before my son moved out a few months ago there was another phone, an ipod touch, and an xbox as well.
My cable is out as of a couple hours ago. No idea why, but it better be back tonight.
Are we go or no-go?
(resisting firing up PS3 to check PSN as I am working on a paper, will race if up though)
If on, how long to download update and get up and running?
Lol, what was the track again? I am so lost with how long we have been off
This is going to be drift city.
1:43.535 is my best so far after 3 laps.
I will open the room in about 20 minutes
Room is up @ 1472-6118-3830-2743-7793
5/18/11 9:25 p.m.
I was gonna watch, but I had trouble staying connected. 
yeeeeah, forgot the race was tonight haha helped with a few things to get ready for a family "function" so I was late anyway to join and my internet was just kicking me in the nads tonight, great connection but the server hated me and idiots tried to join as I was...grrrr
so how was it, of course, I love this track and I missed it, I wanted to just drift around lol actually since I didn't race, I just drifted my S13 around Top Gear for a half hour

NickF40 wrote:
yeeeeah, forgot the race was tonight haha helped with a few things to get ready for a family "function" so I was late anyway to join and my internet was just kicking me in the nads tonight, great connection but the server hated me and idiots tried to join as I was...grrrr
so how was it, of course, I love this track and I missed it, I wanted to just drift around lol actually since I didn't race, I just drifted my S13 around Top Gear for a half hour
For me the SBC was the least fun I've had so far and the MX5 race was the most fun . . . even though I kept having major brain fade and started running off course and into stuff. I love the MX5 on this track though. We were doing a HH test after and my car was acting totally weird. I got off line and it was fine???? It was fun watching the rest of you having at it though.
5/18/11 10:17 p.m.
Graefin10 wrote:
We were doing a HH test after and my car was acting totally weird. I got off line and it was fine???? It was fun watching the rest of you having at it though.
The handling is completely different between on and off line.
You have to spend all your time tuning online to get the car to drive properly.
In reply to Grizz:
I know, that wasn't the problem though. The car wouldn't go like it normally does. It acted as though it had 50hp. I went to the same track off line and didn't change a thing and the problem went away. I've never had that happen b4.
5/18/11 10:27 p.m.
Oh, that is wierd.
I don't think I've ever had that happen.
Grizz, why didn't you enter the races tonight?
5/18/11 10:45 p.m.
I had contact in turns 2,3, and 4 of the first lap. Pitted to fix just minor damage just to get a clean car and get out of the pack. Then went into the wall on the last turn on lap 2 and got the very same damage to my car. Drove the rest of the race with a car that wouldn't go in a straight line to save its life. I hate the way damage works in this game. It is no fun at all for me to drive a car that doesn't track staight, but I managed to string together a bunch of decent laps (1:40-1:42) and came from dead last to 4th. (Only cause others pitted I think, but I'll take it).
MX5 race I had more fun. I had a good battle with Graefin for a few laps. He was consistently faster than me coming out of the rock turn. (don't know the number, but the one where there are rocks placed just so on the edge of the track). He would be all over me from there until the last turn and I would get a little breathing room until the next time back to the rock turn. After he dropped back it took me 5 or 6 laps to figure out how to take that stupid corner and get the extra few mph in exit speed. I did more hot hatch practice laps at Deep Forest than MX5 practice and it showed I guess.
5/18/11 10:50 p.m.
Graefin10 wrote:
Grizz, why didn't you enter the races tonight?
I was never in the SBC or Spec Miata(mine isn't stock) series. Plus the races had already started each time I joined up.
If I could stay connected, I would have stuck around for the HH testing afterwards, but I had to delete all the music on my mp3 player to get it to work again, and all of my cds are on a road trip with a friend of mine, so I was just downloading most of them, and that really kills any chances my PS3 had.
5/18/11 10:50 p.m.
Oh no, just looked at the schedule. Trial Mt is next week. My nemesis. I've never liked that track in the least bit and wished it would've stayed in GT1. Give me Mid-Field raceway or even Apricot Hill any day. I could drive the Z06 RM next week in the SBC race and not win since I would surely end up on my roof at least once on that stupid kink thing leading onto the front straight. I guess I'll practice and see if I can figure out this track after 15 years of sucking at it.
5/18/11 11:00 p.m.
Trail Mountain has been my favorite track since GT1.
Oh, somthing I've been meaning to ask, I put my Bobs online, how do I get them to join races?
TM has always been one of my favorites too . . . that is is there are no penalties and you can get air over the grass @ turn 2.
In the ROC are the Caterhams stock or modified and if modified, how??
5/18/11 11:04 p.m.
A lot of people love it. I find nothing to like about it. Back in the GT1 days I liked it for that stupid long back straight where you could make up for bad driving with more hp than the computer cars had. I guess I sorta like the series of turns following the back straight up until that stupid kink on the front straight.(or maybe that is the part I dislike the least). The only part of the other half of the track I like is jumping the curb on what must be T2 - if you don't hit the ground it is not a shortcut penalty it seems.
5/18/11 11:06 p.m.
Hopefully full power and comfort tires like my Caterham, it would make for some funny replay vids.
In reply to Grizz:
Please whisper when you say that. Brad might hear you. I don't ever want to see another comfort tire.
The main thing they need is a trans. because they have no low end torque if stock and the stock trans. is geared way too high.