92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Anyways, i'm messing around with the Europa right now. I'm sure Aircooled is a driving hero and all, but this Europa is stupid fast. After i "fixed" his suspension settings that were un-usable for me and the way i use the controller, it makes a nice Drift Machine....
Europa.... drift machine.... [tear]
I've been saying, that car has some sort of strange unfair advantage, not sure why, maybe because it's mid-engined (even though it drives like it's rear engined).
NickF40 wrote:
Sorry Brad, my internet hates GT5 so I had a hiccup gifting the GT-R, you have it now so feel free to drift on at Nurb and Brad, your Mini is the E36M3!!
I never had so much fun with understeer, even my Mini isn't that fun (I have mine setup wrong, I tweaked your settings a bit
Yea, I would suspect my Mini will be very good for 85% of the Ring, and then get crushed on the straight. You can really throw it into corners and jam on the brakes.
So, now my compliments to Nick. Took my first lap in the GT-R. I stopped about 2 minutes in to change settings... actually all I did was give it a higher gear ratio because I was topping out. I don't think I'll do a thing to the suspension setup. This is probably the most stable SBC car I've driven. Despite the screenshots showing mega drifts it actually has a touch of understeer entering the corner and then throttle on oversteer on the way out. It drives great. It doesn't seem to be bothered with bumps or curbs, the only real thing to watch for is quick changes of direction. It's not really bad, just best to make sure you are setup for it or you'll run a bit wide on the 2nd turn.
I don't know how it is on ultimate speed, but based on my test drive and aircooled comments about the handling of his Europa, I think if Nick's connection was a bit better he could have really challenged for the championship.
I'm shocked. I thought I was going to have to break out the controller and drift the entire Ring. 
Brad: Can you double confirm what settings we are using for the Catherams.
Is it a 250hp limit, sport soft tires and all other mods allowed?
aircooled wrote:
Brad: Can you double confirm what settings we are using for the Catherams.
Is it a 250hp limit, sport soft tires and all other mods allowed?
Correct, except you can use any sports tires you would like.
Also, if you have over modded your car, you can use the power limiter since these cars don't show up in the UCD every day.
BradLTL wrote:
NickF40 wrote:
Sorry Brad, my internet hates GT5 so I had a hiccup gifting the GT-R, you have it now so feel free to drift on at Nurb and Brad, your Mini is the E36M3!!
I never had so much fun with understeer, even my Mini isn't that fun (I have mine setup wrong, I tweaked your settings a bit
Yea, I would suspect my Mini will be very good for 85% of the Ring, and then get crushed on the straight. You can really throw it into corners and jam on the brakes.
So, now my compliments to Nick. Took my first lap in the GT-R. I stopped about 2 minutes in to change settings... actually all I did was give it a higher gear ratio because I was topping out. I don't think I'll do a thing to the suspension setup. This is probably the most stable SBC car I've driven. Despite the screenshots showing mega drifts it actually has a touch of understeer entering the corner and then throttle on oversteer on the way out. It drives great. It doesn't seem to be bothered with bumps or curbs, the only real thing to watch for is quick changes of direction. It's not really bad, just best to make sure you are setup for it or you'll run a bit wide on the 2nd turn.
I don't know how it is on ultimate speed, but based on my test drive and aircooled comments about the handling of his Europa, I think if Nick's connection was a bit better he could have really challenged for the championship.
I'm shocked. I thought I was going to have to break out the controller and drift the entire Ring.
Firstly, awww shucks
glad it was setup good though. It isn't the best on top end but I switched some gearing around to make it suitable for all the tracks and yeah I also bet if my connection was better, I would have had a chance, the thing's great to drive.
haha it's funny you say that because that's the first thing I did was drift most of it before gifting it to you
Then again I imagine with a wheel and pedals the snap oversteer is much more controllable.
6/4/11 8:06 a.m.
Did some rings around the ring yesterday. Did more laps in the Fireblade than the Elan. Turns out if you make an open lobby room with the title Ring Test-n-Tune and have no restrictions other than aids turned off, it gets very dangerous to be driving an SBC or a Firebalde out there. I got tired of being passed by all out racecars that were going 100 mph faster than me, as a couple guys were trying to figure out the GT5 race car hierarchy. I think they concluded that the X1 was in a league of its own, and the Minolta was next fastest. The 787B couldn't keep up on the straight. Didn't see them try a F1 car. Either way, their testing was a bit incompatiable with mine so I left and made a new room with a 256 HP limit and Sports Soft limit. Not many people showed up in that one and I did enough laps that I can now make a complete circuit without an off most of the time in the Fireblade. I don't think I am fast yet and need to work on 5th and 6th gear ratios to get the most out of the long straight.
The Elan I need to get back into and do some more laps in it - not sure what my lap times are using it - something under 10, but not sure what my best is.
6/4/11 9:15 a.m.
In your first room I discovered my Superbird is damn impressive at 550PP. 7:34 time without even getting off track until my tires were half gone on my 3rd lap.
In your second room I discovered I cannot control a Fireblade at all.
I was doing some shuffle races and some redneck races at Daytona last night. It was amusing.
The Fireblade is a lost cause to me.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
I'm turning low 1:13s right now @ Tsukuba, couldn't get out of the 1:16s in the Smellica.
Good luck Aircooled, i think i made out like a bandit on this one.
You are going to hate me for this one....
I "fixed" your Celica's suspension (you and I have WILDLY different approaches) and was pretty quickly into the 1:12's at Tsukuba. I tried and tried but could not break 1:12, my best was 1:12.1.
I could probably break into the 1:11's with some very specific tweeking, and a good run, but that seems to be about as good as it gets. I think some of the differences in setup are probably controller vs wheel related, and others are just driving style.
You are going to hate it when you get it back. It is no longer a drift machine (yes, dab that tear), but a proper road course machine
I did notice that you were geared a bit tall for Tsukuba, but that was not a huge issue. I also noticed that the top speed for the Celica on that track was noticeable lower then the Europa with the same lap times. So it looks like the Celica goes around the corners a bit quicker but not as much straight away speed (which doesn't look good for the Ring).
This should be a fun race. We (I mean everyone) might want to run a quick race at Tsukuba with the SBC's after the Ring race, just for a direct comparison.
6/4/11 2:49 p.m.
@aircooled, I figured you could make the Celica quick at Tsukuba if you could get the 2002 turbo into the 1:14's in a race where you were not trying to do anything other than stay out of the way.
@Ben, don't give up on the fireblade. It takes some getting used to, but it isn't all that hard once you get the settings where you like them and some seat time.
I love running the Fireblade, at least mine. I feel at ease with her....I dunno haha 
HAHAHA poor Ben
and Brad, I think you may like how I tuned the Mini, because I freaking love it! Hope you're enjoying my GT-R
The Marcos can hit 143 for a short time in the main straight @ Nurb. IIRC the Cosmo was hitting just over 140@ Daytona. Apex. if you can get a predictable setup for the Cosmo please leave it that way so I can see if I can drive it better. I spent a lot of time trying to find that setup but was unsuccessful. I just had to get used to it and drive it conservatively.
I still haven't gotten my yellow Cat. back so I modified my other one. The yellow one had around 235hp but this one only has 228. I've heard some of you say yours has in the 240s. Could it be that my two just aren't broken in???
I got my time down to within 1 sec. of the yellow one on my third lap though. By the way, this one is the blue it came with. If someone else wants that color let me know. Since this is a spec. race it would be good if they all were distinctively different colors. It helps to see what's going on in the replays.
I've reached a point where I like driving both cars @ Nurb. but still have a problem running a clean lap. There are about 3 places that can catch you out if you're not very precise. This is not good when your short term memory has a short in it.
Are we going to qualify for this event? Just wondering because let's say it takes 9 min./ lap. The first lap is a warm up and then we would have time for one hot lap. Since we're all such great drivers now
, I'm sure that would be enough. Well on second thought it might be better for me if the room was up by 8:30. No big deal either way.
6/5/11 2:42 p.m.
Graefin, rebuild your engine. Mine was stuck at about 138 HP. I saw posts where 250ish was possible. Get an engine rebuild. Mine had only like 7k miles on it, but I guess since it is a bike engine, they wear out fast in the game.
Are we going to have a Fireblade series in season 4? I'd like it.
In reply to Graefin10:
My Fireblade is basically fully modded save the full race exhaust (the extra 5 HP puts me over the limit). Try engine rebuild+supercharger+stage3 engine
I'll put the room up as early as possible, Qualifying will be fastest first, so if you get a lap in you'll get credit for it. Although, I'm not sure it makes a big difference on such a long lap.
In reply to BradLTL:
It won't let me put the engine mod. stages on, so that's the difference. It wouldn't let me put that on the yellow one either???
I've got a feeling that qual. could make a huge dif. because IMO it's rather hard to pass clean on this track. Of course if our past races are any indication, sometimes the first few cars get in a little trouble
In reply to T.J.: Yeah T.J., I didn't see your post. I'll do that right before the race.
You must have gotten the handle on that sucker if you want to have a series with them. They are fun to drive once you get used to them.
sorry graefin, just got though an epic hot autocross weekend and I havent been online.
(discoveries, I dont get along with borrowed STI, got along great with borrowed miata, I miss driving mine that has more suspension goodies though)
will fire up and get the 'blade back to you and start testing the cosmo after getting a shower and sunburn ointment (perhaps a nap)
In reply to Apexcarver: No problem Apex. I know there are more important things to focus on than GT5.
Back in the day I got invites to drive others cars in autoX. All but one was because they wanted to see their car in an autocross and didn't have the confidence to drive it themselves. One of them just about got me in trouble. It was a TR3 with a very strong engine and a set of skinny old school michelins on the front and some too wide bias ply tires on wide wheels on the rear. I did a practice run and got it on two wheels about three times. I finally had sense enough to park it. The workers converged on me saying "didn't you see us waving our arms". The rear end wouldn't break loose to rotate and I kept trying to get it to. Rather exciting though.
For me, trouble is supercharged cobra replicas. I think they want to kill me. 
Seems that something gets set to spin cycle. (FAST, but punish small mistakes)
In reply to Apexcarver:
Set to spin cycle you say? Wait till you drive the Cosmo.
6/6/11 8:55 a.m.
I did some racing on the Ring last night in the Fireblade.....what I learned is that although I really like to drive that car there, I don't really like to race there. It is very hard to pass, it is easy to get caught up in some one elses disaster, and cars that out weigh you by 3 times or more can really send you flying off the track with not much contact.
I think I am ready to change my focus to HH and Vette at Monza and chalk up the Ring as a lost cause for me.
T.J. wrote:
I did some racing on the Ring last night in the Fireblade.....what I learned is that I really like to drive that car there, I don't really like to race there. It is very hard to pass, it is easy to get caught up in some one elses disaster, and cars that out weigh you by 3 times or more can really send you flying off the track with not much contact.
I think I am ready to change my focus to HH and Vette at Monza and chalk up the
That's kindof where i'm at. I did a LOT of online racing at the Ring last night in various cars just to learn the course. Using the Elise 111R a lot. With a crowded room, it was almost impossible to get a clean run because some idiot would think he could make it around the Carousel at 200mph and punt me pretty good.
I've gotten pretty good at the track by myself, or if i can break free of the pack, but with people around me, it's infuriating.
Here a free tip to make the Fireblade easier to drive at the Ring... raise the ride height. This prevents it from bottoming out and spinning for no reason. 
6/6/11 9:03 a.m.
I would keep having trouble when someone ahead has went off and then is just recovering when I catch up to them. Come around a corner at full tilt and there is someone in your line going 30 mph and you are doing 100+. It is easy enough to go around them and not hit them, but I wold frequently wreck because of trying to avoid them. There are some curbs that the Fireblade (at least with my settings) cannot touch or disaster strikes. Maybe I need to redo the AMG Driving Academy to learn how to pass slower cars there without wrecking.