I think TJ and I were very evenly matched in the Z06s this week. I was amazed at how cleanly everyone made it through T1, I feel like giving everyone a pat on the back! 
I set my car up in 3 laps, which is to say I didn't do much. So I wasn't very fast and I probably would have started dead last except Grizz made some last second change and I'm not sure if he completed his hotlap (I tried to give you enough time, I waited an extra 2 minutes which with the countdown should have been enough).
I started 7th. At the start Ben immediately jumped out of the way, and I moved up to 5th directly behind TJ coming out of T1. I took a narrower line coming out of casino hoping to sneak by TJ, but he was having none of it. Whether he knew it or not, he chopped my nose off and sent me a message that I would have to make a better pass if I wanted that position.
Then on the approach to the hairpin, Grizz gets the braking wrong and slides way wide. I brake early and keep it tight and take the position. Then I get Lewis Hamilton'd. Here is the picture of the contact with Grizz as he tried to rejoin the racing line:

This causes damage on the front of my car, but it was minor enough that I lived with it. The next couple laps, I chased TJ with a gap of about 2-3 seconds. He was faster in the first half of the track, I was faster in the second. I don't know that either of us would have been able to pass the other without a mistake... we were pretty even.
Lap 4-5 range, Apex went into the pits with damage. I honked as I went by
that moved me up to 3rd and graefin up to 4th. I think another 6ish laps went by with everyone holding their position until I noticed a very large image of Apex in my mirror. I knew I didn't have anything for him, being that he caught me up through traffic from about 40 seconds back, so I out of casino I pulled to the left and slowed to let him by. Not really what I wanted to do, but I figured better to do it on my terms than to wreck by blocking. Besides, at this point I knew my race was with TJ. As I cruised the rest of that lap, I was thinking about how fast Apex was and trying to figure where he found the extra speed... and I missed my brake point into T1. Double front end and engine damage. Damnit! I wasn't planning on pitting. I figured that I could outlast TJ. The only good news is that Monaco is a much slower/shorter track than LeMans, so I was able to limp back to the pits with minimal time loss. By pit-in I could just see graefin coming up from behind. The other bit of good news was we were at lap 12, which meant I could run the new set of tires as hard as I liked without worrying about them not making it to the end of the race.
I came out probably 20-25 seconds behind graefin and just began going as hard as I could. I finally caught graefin around lap 19. He seemed to be struggling with some damage himself. That made trying to pass interesting as his car jerked side to side across the track. He slowed a bit going by the swimming pool (not sure if it was to let me by), and I swung wide and hammered it to get by. It worked, except now I was going too fast for the next corner. I locked up my brakes slide sideways and came within inches of the barrier. Luckily I didn't throw away my whole race, and I collected the car and began chasing graefin, who had retaken the position, again. It didn't take long for me to pass graefin again, I think he locked up going into T1 (?) and I was able to get by and start chasing TJ.
Problem with chasing TJ... I was about 45 seconds back and there was only 4 laps to go. I needed him to have an issue, tire wear wasn't going to get me on the podium. On lap 22, I could see him exiting the hairpin as I turned down towards it. So call it 6ish seconds? Lap 23, same thing going through the hairpin. But... after the chicane, I was right on him and he was noticeably damaged. I actually did feel bad for him, but it didn't stop me from passing him (same thing happened to me last week, cost me the win).
P3 and all I had to do was run the final lap conservatively knowing that both TJ and graefin where fighting damage behind me.
Hot hatch.... different story. I made a strategic error and thankfully PSN bailed me out (sarcasm). With everyone complaining about tire wear, at the last second I decided to remove the turbo off my car and give up 65 hp. My thinking was that I could think control tire spin better and not need a pit stop. Problem was, now my car was slow as a dog. It took 6 laps and a mistake by Grizz for me to pass anyone. I'm sure Grizz could have fought back, but I didn't get to find out. On lap 7, coming out of casino... "BLIP"... "Disconnected from Lobby server". It actually startled me when it happened. I tried to rejoin, same error. So I gave up and went up stairs and helped my wife clean the house.