Interesting night guys:
First off, I posted the room number in the John Stossel thread!!? Of course that room crashed (maybe why
) and I put the right number up.
GT: Clearly these cars are easier to drive! I was burning up the track pretty good and manage a 105.8 for the pole (zoom zoom baby). The start made one thing clear... no torque baby! I got passed by most of the field by the first corner. That first lap was pretty wicked (I will have to see if I can get a video of the first few laps). I was hanging on near the back of the pack when the T7 Curse hit. I got tapped (pretty lightly really) from behind which pushed me into someone else, this resulted in left rear AND right front damage. This track does not work will with rear damage, I had to pit (2-3 lap).
I thought my race was over until I noticed a massive CF in T7! Not long after that I was in 2nd!! I caught the Grizz driven Shaguar Mens Cologne sponsored Jaguar and we had a few laps of some good dueling. I did notice the glitching though. At a few point I thought for sure he crashed into the wall (which is what I was seeing), but then a few seconds later he was right back on me. This was taking WAY to much of my attention, so when I entered the tunnel, I took a glance back, and when I look back front I was too wide coming out of the tunnel. This resulted in an "oh crap" moment where I ran directly into the pit divider wall!! No, grizz, there was no contact at all, the only fault of yours was that I was watching you do weird glitching things. I did this when I was in 2nd!! Major screw up. I still ended up doing some good dueling for the rest of the race, so it was all fun. Major carnage though.
Saloon: Yes, a major strategic victory for me going with the Sports Hard tires. Of course I had NO idea I did that!! I am a bit surprised that that worked though. In the past going with the harder tires seemed to result in much slower times with little reduction in wear.
The start of the race was basically Grae and I going out to the front and having some pretty crazy back and forth action. The only real place to pass on this course was the straight, which was a pretty easy draft and even if you need to go by on the 1st turn, that was pretty doable. I was getting a bit suspicious of Grea though, I was thinking he was messing with me! He would mysteriously slow down around T6 which would cause me to go past him into T7, he would then conveniently draft past me for the lead again!! Sneaky little bastard! I was on to you! If that continued, that would have made for a very interesting ending (both of us trying to be in the last into T7).
I was a bit surprised when Grae did a little slidey thing in T6 again around lap 10 and went into the pits. I wasn't sure if he did that on purpose or not, I really wanted to continue the dual. I was still pretty good on tires (having no idea of the master strategy I apparently had implemented). At that point I had to think if I wanted to pit for tires or go for the finish without. Pitting would have likely put me right with Grae again, and I was considering doing it just for more dueling fun. I finally decided to stay out and try to conserve on tires (more of a non-decision actually). This worked out pretty well, but it got pretty slippery on the last few laps. Grea was making up some serious ground on the last two laps as I was trying to avoid wall contact at all costs, but the lead was too much for him (it started at around 30 seconds, and went below 10 by the last lap)
Some thoughts on driving the course (since I seemed to have the fasted time in the RX8):
T1 and T2 are of course all out. For T3 I found that hitting an early apex, drifting (not tire smoke style) a bit out towards the wall to slow down then hitting the gas (very carefully with Saloon!) to point back in seemed to work best. For T4 and T5 I liked to get into T4 tight and slower if possible (drifting into that corner was very easy to do), to get as late an apex into T5 as possible.
Coming out of T5 you are basically pointed at the tunnel wall entrance, so drifting a bit to slow down, then hitting the gas to point away again seemed to work best (again, very careful on the gas).
T6 and T7, the terror of the course! I would try to get as late an apex into T6 as possible (warning: not paying attention here can result in hitting the pit entrance at 100+mph
). The tactic I used for T7 was to come into it as low as possible braking, allow the car to drift up towards the outside and hope the drift would slow you down enough (the scary part) mid-corner to point back down towards the inside of the exit. So basically it was "make two corners out of one" approach. Touching the bricks on the outside of course was death (I saw F40 demonstrate this with great effect at one point). Getting on the gas too early of course was very bad.
Grea, when I followed him, seemed to favor sticking to the banked part of the corners and using that to maximize traction. This seemed to be a fast fairly safe method. With my approach to T7, I would not exit the corner any faster (maybe a little because I could get on the gas earlier), but it seemed like I could get into it a lot faster. This of course meant that it was good when I was in the lead, but bad when following (I couldn't brake later since he was occupying that space).
Anyway, good races. The points race is looking pretty close so far! We may have to figure out how to break Grea's ridiculous tendency toward consistency or he might run away with it!