Yes, we were in a lounge last night. Grea set it up and I just joined in, so I am pretty sure that is what happened. Here is my summary:
GT: Looked pretty good. Bael was running really fast. I followed him for a lap or two and he was fully on pace. Large explosions were heard from the track entrance and small green bits of Mustang floated around the track, but racing had to go on.
I got my typical 1.3L start and went straight into 4rd place. As we got to the chicane, which can be tricky, and which I JUST saw Bael navigate perfectly, Bael ran straight into the outside wall!! (ouch). Followed Grea and Hunter for a bit. Then coming out of turn 1 into the straight Grea does a bit of a slide and wall tap and caught Hunter in the act... Hunter went straight into the pits and I think Grea limped around for a lap then pitted.
To be honest Grea, this is the spot the both Hunter and I tapped or were very close to tapping MANY times. I personally saw Hunter ricochet off that wall a number of times. The problem was that it was very easy to go into that corner too fast.
This is where it gets interesting. I ran around with Hunter well behind but I was also well aware that he average a good second a lap faster then I did. Mid race we both pitted. Coming out of the pits, there were about 12 laps left, and Hunter was about 14 seconds behind!! As the race progressed, he slowly closed.. One thing that worked in my favor tough was that I was not as practiced at the track as he was, so I was still learning. I manage to do the chicane (4) better (shaving maybe .5 - 1 second when done right) and was getting better at the 6,7,8 complex.
I managed to break into the mid 1:10's at one point, but Hunter closed to within 2 seconds in the last few laps. At that point though, our lap times were not that different and I finished ahead. So realistically, Grea's mess up made the race rather interesting, otherwise Hunter would have just run away with it.
This was a bit of a BMW parade. Hunter and I took off and proceeded to do a good 8 laps within a second or two of each other. We were pretty damn even, but I did notice that I could not pull any kind of draft on him in the straights (not that passing would have been easy any way). I think this the result of him running no wing. I don't think the wing did much except for the chicane, but probably killed my straight away speed enough to kill the draft. So that was pretty much the race. We closed a bit at the pit, but he slowly pulled away (maybe 1/8 second to .25 seconds a lap) .
Not very exciting. There was a moment of hope though. When Hunter and I pitted, Grae stayed out which put him in the lead. We closed on him rather quickly (him being on old tires), but he managed to dive into the pits before we got to him. I was hoping he would act as lap traffic and allow me to close on Hunter, but it was not to be (heck, he probably would have pulled over anyway).
Next week Trail Mountain... now with fewer walls!!!
I also have a potential new racer that might be with us next week. He is a New Zealander that I ran into on line. He seems to be very fast and very clean. He will fit in nicely if he can deal with the low traction cars we use.