Yes, great night last night.
GT: Nice clean start, nobody hitting nobody, nice. Hunter promptly slide off the end of turn 1 (cold tires I guess). I followed Grae around for a bit while Hunter quickly caught up. Hunter seemed to really like making dust clouds though, I think I saw him slide of the road at least 3 times! Each time though, he was right back on me.
At one point, I was following Grea (after various position swaps) going into T16 (I knew it was going to be trouble) both of our tires going a bit, he went wide into the grass, this distracted me a bit (but I did not need to avoid him) and caused me to slide inside. I hit the rear and took rear damage (with the update, these cars are pretty undriveable with rear damage). That was pretty much it for racing for me, I eventually passed Grea back up when he pitted with damage.
Saloon: Epic battle with Hunter ensued (I think we both knew this would happen eventually). It was a three way battle with Grea for a bit, but he slide back. Then it was pretty much an M5 nose to tail run for the entire race. The part that made it particularly interesting (I followed for most of it) was that it was clear Hunters non-wing car and my wing car had distinct advantages / disadvantages.
He would run away from me in the front straight (never did catch him there) but I could run him down pretty easy in some of the corners, Especially the ring portion. I could see him bucking and sliding through that and I would just smoothly come up behind him. The big issue though was HOW TO PASS. There was a point were I was WAY faster then him on the loop but passing was a very dangerous proposition there. You have to stay out of the paint, and Hunter was wagging all over the place. I might have passed there, but i would have been luck and likely would have taken both of us out.
The turn right before he loop was interesting also. Hunter could take it a bit faster then me (he had more turn drift without the wing) but on the first few laps, both of us made dust clouds clipping the outside dirt. This was a pretty scary place to hit dirt BTW. About 5 laps in, Hunter finally over did it and lost it on that turn allowing me to go ahead.
This is were the quick strategic decision making comes in. I know Hunter HAD to pit (it was a hard hit), I was ahead, but had OK tires at that point. For some reason I decided to pit right away (Hunter coming in behind me) I only ended up about 6 second ahead of him out of the pits. I kept a good margin, but got stupid near the end of the lap a lap or two later and slid off, letting him by. I then followed him (sometimes VERY closely) around waiting for his tires to go.
I could tell he was using more tires then me. He was doing a bit of sliding and that can kill the tires. This is were the passing problem cropped up. Now, if I would have WAITED one more lap to pit, I probably would have had a much better tire advantage, but as it turned out, my tires started to go a bit slick on the last lap! I really did not want to press it on the last lap and blow it so sat back and hoped for an off. That did not happen, and there was no way I would get him on the straight. Ended up .4 seconds behind, after 11 laps! Pretty close.
A note on the cars: I am pretty certain now the BMW has some inherent advantage in this series (as you may have noticed in Saloon). From following Hunter in Saloon with the exact same car, we ran almost exactly the same lap times (slower and faster in different areas) so I think our driving is similar. In GT though, there was NO way I could hold him off in the M3. He would slide off, and be right back on me in a few turns. I know the M3 is faster in the straights from the last race, and from this race it seems to be a lot faster coming out of the corners (probably a rotary torque thing). Anyway, that's my excuse and I sticking to it