I took some pics from last weeks Ring Race:
Here is Hunter 10 seconds after the start, already cashing the winners check:

Here is Hunter 10 seconds later at the first corner making the turn into the winners circle:

After realizing the winners circle is not currently open Hunter has to work his way back though the pack. Here he is passing some sort of feminine hygiene product sponsored car:

This is Hunter trying to squeeze past me to get to Grea. At this point, Hunter already has rear damage and is somehow not only able to keep his car on the road, but is pushing for position. Not too long after this, he got past me, pushed a bit too much at caught a wall. Fortunately for him, Grea and I also did some wall inspection not too long after him.

This is the start of the Saloon race. As you can tell, Grea is in the lead, again, and Hunter has apparently visited "Pimp Your Car For Less" since that last race (fur hat cannot be seen from this angle). Also of note is the fact that a car know as the Purple Drift Wagon shows up at the start thinking this was tire burning event:

Here is the Purple Drift Wagon, after somehow passing a prime example of 4WD Teutonic might, showing how quickly he can reduce a pair of $300 race tires to pool of tar.

This is the M5 parade that resulted for a lap or two. As you can see Hunter is "assisting" Grea by letting him know he would like him to go a bit faster. I'm trying not to get involved in there little domestic dispute.

A bit of airborne action after Grea felt the need to see what the barriers on the outside of the turns were made of. Also the start of an M5 nose to tail parade that went on for 9 or so laps.

An idea of what happened when Hunter went into the ring, I would catch him fairly quickly.

This is on the second to last lap. Hunter gets pretty squirrely, slides wide and I poke my nose in. This is were I SHOULD have tried for the pass. I was too paranoid about taking both of us out.