Lugnut's post about being in Pittsburgh made me wonder something. For as much as some of us travel and as much as many of us seem to want to meet up with other GRMers, is there a way to add a map (optional involvement obviously) to the website that shows who lives where?
I'm thinking it would be neat if someone were traveling to my neck of the woods they could just look at a map and see my pin in central PA and know to contact me for a beer. Maybe even little popup icons that show things like a car (meaning you are down for a drive or cruise), a beer (you would be amenable to meeting for a drink), a house (willing to offer a couch/lodging), a dollar sign (willing to inspect a fly-and-drive car).
Not even sure if something like that exists, but it seems like something I would use.
3/1/17 11:23 a.m.
The on the road assist list thread is pretty close to this, with a map
I'll put a drink and house marker where I live, when you figure it out. I've lodged and fed GRMers. 
Check the on the road assist list, I forget who "runs" it, I think autolex setup Google maps with all of us that volunteered.
Hmm....I thought the answer was Atlanta.
How did I never find that before? Thank you. I'll add myself soon. I'm currently staying at Mom and Dad's old place but actively shopping for a new house as we speak. As soon as I get moved in I'll be on the map.
In reply to Ed Higginbotham:
I knew about the thread, but had no idea about the map! I just posted my coordinates there, I think autolex is going to be busy...
GRM doesn't campaign in Montana & Wyoming?
3/1/17 1:32 p.m.
Holy crap. Need to add myself too!
Ed Higginbotham wrote:
Here's the page with the actual map on it.
This thread is worthy of this reminder/education.
At the very bottom of the page is a lot of small colorful icons. The first icon is a heart. If you click on this heart this thread will go into your favorites (also known as watchlist)
To easily get back to your watchlist:
At the top and bottom of any thread is a gray drop down box titled "Jump to..."
The last choice under Jump to is Watch list.
The midlana site had a cool active map many years ago. Whoever popped in would show up on the map. I think they would melt away after a short time.
petegossett wrote:
In reply to Ed Higginbotham:
I knew about the thread, but had no idea about the map! I just posted my coordinates there, I think autolex is going to be busy...
Do your worst. I can probably process 2-300 people an hour into it. 
RealMiniParker wrote:
I'll put a drink and house marker where I live, when you figure it out. I've lodged and fed GRMers.
I can vouch for this, and the man cooks a mean omelette. Thanks again.
I can also say, without the map and all the people on it, I would have never attempted to drive a 60 year old bus from Wisconsin to South Carolina.
This is a great group of people we have here.
Southern California seems dead to grm
Don't take this map as a representation of the whole GRM forum, it is really only representative of those who read a specific forum thread and then of that group, the sub group of those who then agreed to put their name on the map.
TIL that I pass within three miles of Trans_Maro going to and from autocrossing in Canada.