Always worth another watch -
Amazing Horse
Obscure references:
Laura Dominica Garello
Lina Lardi
Major Houlihan
Old Underwear

EastCoastMojo wrote:
Rosebud Major Houlihan Serenity Old Underwear
Is how that post showed up in the thread preview and I thought. We have a winner!
8/25/12 2:56 p.m.
Crazy Henry's Crown
AKA: Shelby
After's a car forum, right? 
How much for the horse, and what wine goes good with horse meat?
8/25/12 7:30 p.m.
Aeromoto wrote:
How much for the horse, and what wine goes good with horse meat?
this probably won't get you on their Christmas card list
Streetcar Desire > Stella
Always Have Paris > Ingrid or Ilse
Long Stockings > Pippi
Dame Étoile > Starry
Going of the science theme of the current horse:
Let Her Ride or Low Orbit > Sally
Radio Active > Marie
Double Helix > Rosalind or Rosie