So following a brief stay at the Customs office, the dog and I received a package from the other side of the planet.
Shipping from Australia is no joke: That's a lot of dollarydoos.

The package was marked "Australian Made" and "Extra Strength", so I knew right away that it wouldn't be easy to get into.

I had considered using my knife but, as we know...

Wherever would I find sufficient tools to penetrate this package's awesome Aussieness?
Let's go to the big toolbox.*

We're in!
Lots of cool stuff here!

Safety glasses, an Open ya Bastard bottle opener, a kangaroo magnet, a Japanese volt gauge (maybe from the Datsun that never got the new spark plug and points), assorted keys that that are every bit as likely to open locked things as all of the other loose keys on my bench, a Hot Wheels Chevelle, an issue of Hot4s magazine, a purpose-modified 14mm wrench, some rubber floor mat beverage coasters, a collector spoon, as set of red anodized alloy valve stem caps, Austrailian coins with royal folk on one side and deadly animals on the other, some cool vintage maps and travel guides from back when Australia was just one long twisty dirt road, welding collets, lots of tourist info on Holbrook (The Submarine Town!), a submarine keychain, a Weber grill bottle opener, a beer koozie that would be in tears if it ever saw a Foster's can headed its way, and a few other mysterious odds and ends.
There is also a very cool NSW license plate which will immediately be nailed to the wall in my garage, some very amusing snacks named after my dog...

And, of course... Vegimite!

Thank you very much Daeman, this was a lot of fun!
*Absolutely no wallabies were harmed in the making of this unboxing thread.