Excitement got the better of me. I was so itchy to open mine that I stayed up late last night and got the victim's box packed and labeled. With that sent out today, the three-year-old and I ripped into my box. Frankly, I'm a little overwhelmed.
First off, the box, seen previously:

Kick-booty box art. Seems like a shame to slice the box open, but them's the rules. Out comes the trusty Gerber Dime, and we're greeted with this:

Happy faces all around. Dig a little deeper...

A little deeper...a little deeper yet...how deep does a flat rate box go, anyway?
All the way to the tarp, apparently.

Obviously, the kid laid claim to the kid stuff (including a trophy he most assuredly did not earn) right away and requested - demanded, really - that we see what's inside the black car.

Answer: more cars. Lots of cars. Fifteen of the blessed things. And they're excellent. The boy is happy. The wife is less happy, because she sees that glorious T/A and knows I'm going to be talking like the Snowman and addressing every animal in the house as Fred for the rest of the night, come back?

On to the grown-up stuff. A bag of MegaSquirt stuff, like a JimStim that's decades newer than mine, a signal interceptor board, and a mess of components. An only partially broken plastic mess kit, a bottle of hot sauce I can't wait to regret trying, some piston rings for some teeny tiny Honda, and my very own pet cock. And a multimeter that actually works!

Florida stuff! Got a fresh license plate and few branded goodies like a super mega absorbent towel, a clear pouch (for your wet swimsuit, I assume), a bottle of highly portable sunblock, a koozie, and a lightweight poke. No jerky in it, though.

Next up are the contents of the Spotless Drying chamois sleeve (two cans of genuine adult beverage all the way from Gainesville); a travel mug (the aforementioned chamois, a Snap-On belt buckle, and a couple of bimetallic thermostats of indeterminate origin; and the sticker bag (stickers, and lots of 'em). Hot dawg!

And the last batch: some highly premium 5-1/4 speakers, a genuine Snap-On 1/4" ratchet that has some life in it yet, some bike tools that remind me how out of shape I am, some Z51 brake rotor cooling rings (that's a thing?!), a power waxer, a velcro buzzy wheel, some sway bar end links for some Hyundai or another, and a Lexus branded mini Maglite. Also a big chunk of steel that could be anything and may of may not be used against me in a court of law. Lastly, a fabricated steel hanger assembly I can't figure out, resplendent in an evocative shade I'm calling "prune milkshake" - which, frankly, is a hell of a lot less appealing than this beer.

Whoever you are, I'm impressed. Many thanks. Nicely done, Mystery Member.