I'm not sure why he posted on CL instead of asking his fellow Michigan GRMers for help.....
I am quite sure most of you have seen the rather large green dragon that has been flying over the north east side of Grand Rapids for the better part of a week. I am looking for someone to:
1.) Lure said dragon away from Grand Rapids to a more rural area.
2.) Force said dragon to land in rural area.
3.) Slay said dragon in whatever way you see fit.
No Pay, dragon slaying is it's own reward.
Please note that I am not talking about the red dragon that frequents the area from time to time. He and I have an agreement.
Location: Greater Grand Rapids Area
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: no pay
PostingID: 2967803311
Sweet... I didn't realize I had posted that.
freaky though, Last week my son was trying out a new helmet:

Sounds like a job for the Ohio bunch, Flanking move to chase it back over the Great Lakes.Damn things migrate at spring time.
My Kajite with 98 archery, a deadric bow and arrows, I could drop that.
neon4891 wrote:
My Kajite with 98 archery, a deadric bow and arrows, I could drop that.
Wonder how many wont get that?
I duel wield some nasty fireballs.
6/11/12 9:40 p.m.
TRoglodyte wrote:
Sounds like a job for the Ohio bunch, Flanking move to chase it back over the Great Lakes.Damn things migrate at spring time.
Hey now, don't send that bastard up here! We've already got Harper, and body-parts-mailing freakazoids to deal with.
6/11/12 9:47 p.m.
neon4891 wrote:
My Kajite with 98 archery, a deadric bow and arrows, I could drop that.
Damned archers always running from my axe. Stand still long enough for me to steal your soul, Poppa needs a new pair a shoes. 
failboat wrote:
DrBoost wrote:
Please note that I am not talking about the red dragon that frequents the area from time to time. He and I have an agreement.
I haz a LOL
Yup. That's the like that did it for me. Freaking hilarious!