1/25/16 9:21 a.m.
DD#1 presented DW and I with a PS4 for Christmas; it was the Star Wars Battlefront bundle. We play a fair amount of video games, but most of what I've played in the last few years was either Lego games or GT6. The last FPS I really played was Black, which I did reasonably well in, years ago.
I finally decided to give SWB a try during the blizzard. After an hour and a half I still haven't cleared the first mission on the default difficulty. I just don't have what it takes to aim quickly and accurately at the same time. I can do one or the other, but not both. While I'm finally getting dialed in on the guy in front of me, some other jackwagon I don't even see is just lighting me up. And that's in single-player mode against the AI! I'd get utterly creamed online.
Anybody else played this game? Is it just me, or is it tough? Got any hints or tips?
I have watched some reviews and it isn't just you. That game is not setup all that well. It is extremely difficult to start in on and doesn't have any really campaign. I would recommend grabbing something different to play on.
One of these maybe but I am not seeing anything too awesome. I didn't like Destiny all that much as it requires so much DLC to get any length of gameplay out of it.
Battlefield 4 should be a better place to start but most of these games are pretty violent depending on your kids age. I am in love with Fallout 4 if your kids are a little older.
I've never been able to play an FPS well on a console. I'm not that great on a PC, either, but a keyboard and mouse just make it so much easier.
Consequently, my console video game library consists mostly of racing games and RPGs.
I cannot aim on an PS whatsoever. It isn't just you.
Also, some TVs have input lag over 100ms compounding the problem.
1/25/16 10:34 a.m.
In reply to ProDarwin:
Sometimes there are 'Video Game' settings in TVs that help. I notice some artifacts while playing Fallout 4 on PS4 and turning the Game mode on made it disappear.
In reply to Duke:
Fallout 4 can be played like FPS and a RPG. You can do the run and gun thing but you can also jump into a screen where the time is almost stopped and you see the percent chance of hitting a certain body part of the enemy. Then you get so many points to dole out per shot, which helps for the more frantic fights.
1/25/16 10:37 a.m.
Yeah, my kids are 23 (not at home) and 20 (usually at college) so age isn't an issue. I just wanted to try something with more of an open world and more realistic feel to it. Like I said, SWB was bundled with the console, so it's not like I invested much in the game.
What about Fallout 4? Bring on the suggestions! Thanks.
FO4, for sure. I was disappointed there was no campaign for SWB.
1/25/16 10:52 a.m.
Duke, have you seen the Fallout 4 thread?
In reply to Bobzilla:
Be glad there isn't one......it would surely be as repetitive and predictable as the Battlefield games it is based upon. 
1/25/16 11:32 a.m.
My last FPS was MOH Rising Sun on PS2. I like Battlefront well enough, but I find I do much better is "hero mode" as Luke or Vader than FPS. Also coming from fighter flight sims, the star ship controls suck. Lastly, and what seems to be the most universal complaint is lack of story line mode and the focus on multiplayer.
1/25/16 11:36 a.m.
In reply to RossD:
Cool, thanks. I haven't been playing GT6 much so I haven't really checked the Sim forum in a while. The "bullet time" mode sounds like it would work for me.
I keep referring to Black despite its age, because it's the main console FPS that I have any real time in. In that game there were definitely hairy situations, but for the most part you could still achieve your objectives without setting off an overwhelming melee by using stealth and careful long-range shots. At least up until the last level, anyway.
I have yet to open my copy of SWB. Sounds like I should listen to my gut and return the game, unlike what I did with the most recent NFS game. As far as other games, if you don't have to have it the day it comes out. You can get all the DLC bundled with the game for the normal price of a game or cheaper. I got Destiny with all the DLC for something like $40.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
In reply to Bobzilla:
Be glad there isn't one......it would surely be as repetitive and predictable as the Battlefield games it is based upon.
I enjoyed the last one....
In reply to 1kris06:
Return it and buy something else. I have heard so many negative reviews on it. Unless you just thrive on gunning down 12YOs, play something else.
In reply to Duke:
Then you should love Fallout 4. I run a stealth sniper and rarely end up in a "hairy fight." However, if I do, I die frequently as my character isn't build to be a tank.
1/25/16 12:13 p.m.
I haven't gotten into the missions yet, still goofing around with training and the quick play stuff like survival mode/whatever it's called. I can only deal with about 1-2hrs at a time before my head gets woozy, so it's between this and a few car games like Forza 6 and WRC5.
In reply to Bobzilla:
Story wise they're predictable as ever.....just like CoD.
I played it for a few hours on a friend's system. Nowhere near as good as SW Battlefront 2, I think they really rushed this one, fixed deadlines and all. Like any other FPS these days, it's all twitch reflexes and spotting the other guy before he sees you, not for me either.
I'm 38 and I can't do FPSs on a console. The only one I can do decently is GoldenEye on the N64. I need a mouse and WADS. I occasionally drop into random TF2 matches where I play demoman on offense (a specialty I honed on TFC years ago).
In reply to 1kris06:
I repeat, return it:

These are all used copies
World of Tanks is as fast-paced as I can handle. And I still feel like a noob.
I tried it, I'm horrible. Kazoo Jr. seems to do OK on it though. I'm attributing my ineptitude to the "old dog, new tricks" phenomenon, even though I used to do decent at FPS games "back in the day." (I.e. - the original Ghost Recon)
I'm the exact same on my 360. I suck at the halo and fallout games. It's why I stick to arcade racers and sports games lol. I haven't been good at a fps since metal gear solid on ps2
I can work a console worlds better than I can a PC. And I'm useless on XboX but am decent on a PS.
1988RedT2 wrote:
World of Tanks is as fast-paced as I can handle. And I still feel like a noob.
Well, you are a noob unless you learn to fully embrace howitzers spamming high explosives.....
I pop back in from time to time to club noobs with the mighty KV2.