Made a road trip out to Ohio yesterday to pickup a car. About 5 hours each way. From Waynesboro, PA to Thornville, OH and back.
Guess how many cops I spotted during the drive?
Answer will be revealed Friday 7/6 at noon!
And, because what would this thread be without showing what I went to pickup, I present to you my newly acquired $500 1988 535i, 5-speed manual.

Bonus points if you can guess how much I spent on tolls!
Edit: Paid cash for the tolls, towed with my 2nd gen Cummins and 18ft open car trailer.
About $80 on tolls, and in going to guess 50 cops.
7/5/18 11:26 a.m.
354 miles. I'm going to guess 1 officer every 10 miles on average, so 35.
I just made nearly that same drive a few weeks ago, just a few hours deeper into Ohio. Assuming you got on the Turnpike at Blue Mountain, going to guess $69 in tolls. 50 cops is probably about right, considering the holiday.
Having been on the receiving end of tickets in Ohio more than any other state although I've never lived anywhere near the state I'll guess 63 LEO and $55.00 tolls.

Wait... was the question how much you spent on tolls, or tickets?
Ohio: the nation's speed trap.
31 cops and $56 bucks in tolls
Appleseed said:
Ohio: the nation's speed trap.
Got that right! With GA taking the 2nd spot. Last time I got a ticket in Ohio the officer bends down, looks at tire and says "good to see you've got speed rated tires on this". I was going over 90 MPH in a 71 Valiant with the incredibly powerful 225 slant 6 with 1 V carb on the opposite side of divided highway when I saw him come over the crest of a hill the opposite direction. Looked in my rear view to see him pulling a U turn on the wiiiide lawn separating the road so I backed off and pulled over before he needed to chase me down. Gave me ticket for 74 in 55 IIRC. "Just mail this in with your payment sir"
I drove from New Orleans to Houston July 3rd. Traffic was moving between 70 and 80 all the way. At the state line a guy in a bright red Mustang passed me going about 100 mph, just weaving in and out of traffic. I saw him again about 30 miles later, Texas State Trooper had him pulled over. This was the only police I saw on the drive and the Mustang was only person I saw driving stupid. I suspect a helicopter directed the Trooper to the guy because I saw a police helicopter fly over a few minutes before that.
some states are stupid like that. NJ is actually pretty lenient with a few towns thrown that aren't just to keep you on your toes
Trailered or drove one car out and two back, and cash or ezpass?
So the last trip I made across Ohio to get the engine from Patrick was 22 cops. That wasn't a holiday weekend, so I'll say we double that to 44.
I saw 39 from my trip from CO Springs to Austin yesterday so I'm going to go with that. My wife even got a visit by one for going 6 over. No ticket though.
Patrick said:
Trailered or drove one car out and two back, and cash or ezpass?
Fair question, trailered, paid cash for the tolls.
I'll edit my earlier post to have that info.
I have no idea how many cops we passed in Ohio on the trip a couple weeks back, but it was easily a couple dozen. Oddly enough, it was the one cop we saw in PA who actually wrote me a ticket. 92 in a 70, but luckily he wrote me up for some no-points violation.
7/5/18 3:18 p.m.
I recently did a 4,500km motorbike trip through BC. Number of cops seen? Two!
42 officers & $71 in tolls.
In before the lock! 
I live in Ohio, commute 120 miles a day and see 12-15 a day; funny enough every ticket I’ve had (lots of them) was in stated that start with I.
The answers!
Cops Spotted: 33
Winner(s): Tie! Doc Brown @ 31, STM317 @ 35. Both off by two, so it's a tie!
(Approximately half of them had someone pulled over already.)
Amount paid in tolls: $37.50
Winner: Not A Ta @ $55
(I was expecting a lot more in tolls, because last time I picked up a car in Ohio it had to be over $100 in tolls. I'm not complaining though!)
37.50 in tolls?damn. It's $19 from Irwin to Boardman and back without a trailer or big diesel truck.
Still 6% less than it will be next year