First & most important - I don't really give a damn about appearance, my goals are low-maintenance and minimal time.
Our home purchase on the MS coast is looking promising, with our closing date next month. However I really have no idea how to deal with a yard/sandy jungle like this.
My main concerns are:
1.) I don't want the 1/2-dozen oak trees turning into 60 saplings.
2.) I don't want to encourage termites or other pests.
3.) As above, I want to spend as minimal time/money/effort dealing with lawncare as possible.
Here are some pics. I'm pretty sure the lawn hasn't been touched since we first looked at the place on Black Friday, so I don't think it'll be too time/maintenance-intensive.
This looks like possibly an attempted compost pile, or possibly just where a bunch of leaves ended up?
As you can see, the driveway is pretty covered with acorns.
So, a couple questions:
1.) Do I need a powered mower, or with this little grass would a reel-mower be quicker?
2.) Would a leaf blower work at all, or just generate sand storms?
3.) I've never had oaks, but I know maples sprout like crazy - in the sun, shade, driveway, gutters, etc. Will the oaks be just as bad?
4.) What else do I need to know.
Oh, and I'm planning on calling for quotes from lawncare companies. I figure if nothing else it'll be interesting to see what services they'll try to sell me.