Gun control is not the answer. There are something like 300,000,000 guns in this country. Anyone that wants one for mal intent WILL get one.
People control is not the answer. It's what government incessantly tries to do with no success whatsoever, only continued political posturing and bantering.
Fixing sick people with broken brains is not the answer. There have always been sick people, and there always will be.
Getting all excited about a very public and obscenely tragic event is not the answer. Please understand, I'm in shock and deeply broken about Friday's events like anyone else, but there are over 1400 child murders per year in the US. That's about 4 per day, every day. In other words, every single week in America, more children are murdered than were murdered on Friday. Using a tragic event like Friday's to advance political agendas is disgusting.
I do think there are a couple of things that could help.
First off, how come nobody seems to wonder how a 20 year old awkward kid became an expert sniper? There were virtually no wounded, only dead. I have heard no reports, but I think it's very likely he was trained by a culture that desensitizes people to violence and thinks first person shooter games are entertainment. Maybe we should consider video game control instead of gun control?
Secondly, we have a warped cultural view on how to report things like this. Why do we know the names of people like Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, and Adam Lanza? We elevate them by journalistically immortalizing them. Seems to me, this is a very enticing opportunity for a person with a broken brain. Maybe they should go down in anonymity forever.
I realize this post is a little bit close to a flounder, but it's not my intent. The current elevated discussion about gun control is only because of Friday's tragedy, and offers little in the way of real solutions to actual problems, only political bantering, which I find abhorrent.
On the specifics of gun control, I think the collective wisdom of this forum should be allowed to solve all the world's problems.
Most of my opinions on this have already been covered.
Carry on.