Man charged with gutting deer in Middletown parking
Said he was teaching sons
By the Associated Press
MIDDLETOWN -- A 37-year-old Connecticut man has been charged with disorderly conduct for allegedly gutting a deer in a Middletown parking lot near Wesleyan University.
The Middletown Press reports Lawrence Massey of Berlin was arrested Monday after witnesses reported that he was using a hunting knife to “field strip” the deer in an apartment complex parking lot near the Green Street Arts Center.
Massey told police he had found the carcass on the side of Route 9, loaded it into his minivan and was showing his sons how to prepare the carcass.
Police say Massey was holding a knife and had both arms covered in blood. They say he cleaned up the mess and loaded the remains into his minivan.
He's due in court Nov. 11.
he shoulda shared the backstrap w/ the neighbors... that'll change their minds
At least he didn't do it in his apartment.
10/26/11 6:58 p.m.
Sounds a bit sad, maybe a bit strange, but not arrest-worthy.
dunno.... arrested for picking up road kill and teaching young minds a valuable skill?
who do you want on your team when the zombies attack - this guy, or the guy who called the police?
I'd be willing to bet a case of PBR that a few kids at the apartment complex think meat is something made in a factory that magically appears at the grocery store... maybe a few adolts as well 
And the folks at the Green Street Arts Center.. they don't eat meat.
I got no problem with small time drug dealers, or a guy that knocks over a liquor store from time to time, but boy these deer gutters scare me! I hope they throw the book at him. 
10/26/11 8:32 p.m.
Did he live in this apartment complex, or just think it was a good spot?
Will wrote:
Did he live in this apartment complex, or just think it was a good spot?
Maybe they called because his ex lived in the apartment....
10/26/11 10:56 p.m.
fasted58 wrote:
maybe a few adolts as well
Spelling error FTMFW.
Something tells me that guy wasn't native to them thar parts of genteel CT.
10/27/11 4:30 a.m.
Sheesh, MAYBE it warranted a visit from someone telling him not to do that right there in the parking lot but an arrest? Come on! I think people in general would be a lot better off if they had some idea of where their meat came from (i.e. not "the supermarket.") The only problem I have with this whole story is that I hope he didn't get parking lot grime on his shanks of venison!
(BTW 15 years vegetarian here.)
On the one hand, I'm saddened by things like this. See it even with regards to fishing.
On the other hand, as a hunter, trapper and semi-survivalist wacko, I recognize the father as being an idiot for doing what he did, where he did it. As if you couldn't see this outcome barrelling down upon him.
You load the roadkill in your car, take it home, and do it discretely.
I believe it's illegal to pick up road kill in New York. There's a rumor that it goes into the prison system, but that's just a rumor.....
10/27/11 6:20 a.m.
foxtrapper wrote:
You load the roadkill in your car, take it home, and do it discretely.
The article isn't really clear. Was that his home?
10/27/11 6:48 a.m.
Yeah, I agree that it's not the most appropriate thing to do then and there, but an arrest is unwaranted.
Raise your hand if your father showed you how to gut a deer.
(mine is up)
10/27/11 7:13 a.m.
My uncle showed me how to gut a kangaroo.
Also, I guess with road kill, time is of the essence. So, maybe he wasn't totally oblivious to the inappropriateness of his location.
Luke wrote:
My uncle showed me how to gut a kangaroo.
I'm going to guess it wasn't in an apartment complex parking lot in Connecticut?
It's not a rumor, it generally is illegal to just pick up a roadkill. At least without a hunting licence and having it count against that licence limit.
Reason is to control "bumper hunters". Guys who go around running into deer. Sounds bizzare, but I actually know several very active bumper hunters.
Hocrest wrote:
foxtrapper wrote:
You load the roadkill in your car, take it home, and do it discretely.
The article isn't really clear. Was that his home?
It hinted that he was from Berlin and this happened in Middleton, but I agree, the article wasn't very clear.
10/27/11 8:30 a.m.
I know some guys who (at college) used to clean their birds in car washes and one time cleaned a deer in the dorm bathrooms in the middle of the night...
10/27/11 8:36 a.m.
foxtrapper wrote:
It's not a rumor, it generally is illegal to just pick up a roadkill. At least without a hunting licence and having it count against that licence limit.
Reason is to control "bumper hunters". Guys who go around running into deer. Sounds bizzare, but I actually know several very active bumper hunters.
If you can sneak up on a deer WITH YOUR CAR and bump them, you are a SERIOUSLY GOOD hunter. How the heck is this possible??
More to the point, why? You smash up a lot of good meat and tear up your car. Even the beater trucks the guys I know use get damaged pretty good. Radiators aren't free.
But, the guys I know who do it cruise the roads at night where deer are known to be, as well in the fields, and just go tearing down after them.
Sorta like folk who run down cats and opposums.