We have cool looking round gutters around a few sections of our house. They were my wife's idea and they look great.
The downside is they catch even more than normal gutters. I had a local gutter company come out to give me an estimate on guards and they eventually got back to me to say they couldn't find a supplier for the necessary brackets.
So that means I need to figure out a solution on my own. Any suggestions on how best to proceed?

Design your own and see how much SendCutSend would charge to make them for you? I'm pretty sure they're just sheet aluminum with some small holes or slits laser-cut into them. You could start with one section and test that before ordering the rest.
Home Depot sells guards that look like expanded metal with small openings in 3' sections. Basically lay over the top of gutter and hit with self tapping screws
11/14/24 5:41 a.m.
I've had decent luck with this kind in the past

They're easily DIY-able. They secure through the gutter and into your fascia to provide some additional strength. The front lip could be bent over the rounded edge of your gutters without much effort. That might even let you avoid fasteners on that edge.
You need foam insert ones.

I used this on our last house and it stayed on for the 5 years we were there.

Call a Gutter Guy for a free estimate, see what he says?
914Driver said:
Call a Gutter Guy for a free estimate, see what he says?
That was my first step. They told me they couldn't find any brackets for them. š
Those foam inserts or the roll of mesh might work!
I'm in Southern California so I'm afraid I'm of little help.
Having said that, based on TV commercial air time, one would think that 30% of home ownership is dealing with rain gutters.
Again, I have very little experience but don't wet leaves just get stuck on top of the screen causing the rain to flow over them as though there was no gutter there at all causing catastrophic foundation collapse and instantly murdering everyone in the house to death???
I really don't get it.
In reply to RX Reven' :
I have the foam kind. Wet leaves are not your problem, dry leaves that become wet leaves are. I've found the dry leaves don't get caught in the gutters to become a mass of wet leaves, and the wet ones that do stick blow off when they dry out. A few wet leaves on the top during a storm, isn't a big deal.