5/27/13 2:26 a.m.
This is part of a hand-written form from my friend's grandfather's time in the Australian army during WW2. It says he was demoted ("reverted to sapper") for some sort of offence, and we're curious to know what it was.
Can anyone make out the writing?
<img src="
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Here is what I can decipher. Hopefully it will help someone else. What I am pretty sure about will be normal. Best guess that I think is probably wrong in itallics.
Offense: Bardust to the faejudice of good order aponilstany discipline.
Next attempt at translation:
Offense: Ben dust to the fair justice of good order ... discipline.
Offense: ... to the prejudice of good order ... discipline.
Offense: Conduct to the prejudice of good order of military discipline.
Oh yeah! I'm good!
5/27/13 3:08 a.m.
^You're pretty much on the money there, BB.
Just heard back from another friend, who studies/translates Ancient Greek. "Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline":
edit: ha! didn't see your edit. Nice work 
"Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline" is probably a catch-all charge they bring you up on if you are caught screwing around in some fashion that doesn't fit an obvious specific charge but nevertheless ticked somebody off. It could be something really bad and actually worth a reduction in rank, or it could be something that on any other day would have been laughed off but that particular day the CO's wife happened to be watching and was offended.
Probably means he was hungover.
Going on what people have estimated it to be translated as, that really is generic petty infraction stuff. Failure to salute, slovenly uniform, surly voice, farting in formation, bar fight, etc. That language typically isn't used for a real infraction of something. Oh, it can be tacked on to a real infraction. But it there was something serious, like striking an officer, that would be listed as well.
5/29/13 7:37 a.m.
If I recall correctly, his former rank was reinstated about 3 months later.
5/29/13 8:14 a.m.
I tried, but I can't read Australian.