A Las Vegas anesthesiologist has started a hangover cure business. You can see him on his bus or he makes house calls. At the end of the video he says that a rugby team has reserved him ahead of time. I think it is a great business plan, I wish him well.
Whether it works or not is debatable, but it's a great idea for a business in the perfect venue. Not sure it's what I'd do with my medical degree, but I bet he has some great stories to tell.
How much ya wanna bet this is covered under Obamacare?
Sorry, couldn't resist. 
The obamacare death panels will let my 90 year old grandpa just die of his hangover.
Woody wrote:
Whether it works or not is debatable, but it's a great idea for a business in the perfect venue. Not sure it's what I'd do with my medical degree, but I bet he has some great stories to tell.
I'm confident that it works, at least for the headache symptoms. They are caused by dehydration, and the article says the treatment is an IV with the addition of "vitamins, magnesium and calcium."
A few years back, a friend of a friend of mine used an ordinary IV to kill his his hangover after a bachelor party.
my Dad worked in the hospital system at Pensacola during WW 2 ... they used a few deep breaths of "pure" oxygen the morning after a night of heavy drinking ... he swore by it as a hangover cure
I have a friend who is an anesthesiologist and she's given her cousin IV treatments several times after he's gone out with his drinking trousers.
I've got the best hangover cure ever. Not only will it save you money, it's free.
Don't drink. 
The other option is 3 large glasses of water and two ibuprofen before you pass out on the front steps.
wbjones wrote:
my Dad worked in the hospital system at Pensacola during WW 2 ... they used a few deep breaths of "pure" oxygen the morning after a night of heavy drinking ... he swore by it as a hangover cure
Thats what I thought this was going to be. My primary MOS in the USMC was as a cryo tech. Servicing oxygen carts helped cure hangovers. 
Toyman01 wrote:
I've got the best hangover cure ever. Not only will it save you money, it's free.
Don't drink.
The other option is 3 large glasses of water and two ibuprofen before you pass out on the front steps.
I'm in the "Taking ibuprofen is hard on your stomach/liver when you're sober, so really a bad idea after drinking" camp.
Just need mix in some glasses/bottles of water throughout the evening. Not only do you end up not hungover, but it tempers your pace a bit as well.
It was pretty common for guys in my last unit to grab expired IV bags from the medical bags. They would put a catheter in before hitting the bars so they wouldn't have to do that part drunk, then when they get home, they just plug in.