Happy November the 5th fellow Brits, unfortunatly no fireworks for me tonight.
Let's not forget this guys was a terrorist.
Happy November the 5th fellow Brits, unfortunatly no fireworks for me tonight.
Let's not forget this guys was a terrorist.
My coworker married a girl from Newfoundland & was talking about this yesterday. I'll have to see if there was a revolution last night.
914Driver wrote: I saw a bonfire at a soccer game on TV. Typical British fans or a viable celebration?
Very Viable celebration
Go Google ‘the gun powder plot.
Cliff notes version:
1605 after the monarchy had been bouncing back and forth between the Catholics and Protestants there was a Catholic terrorist plot to blow up the houses of parliament and King James I on the opening of parliament (Late on the 5th Nov that year). Guy Fawkes (AKA Guido a name he adopted fighting for the Spanish) was hired as the leader. The plot rented a store room in the basement of the houses of parliament (can you imagine that today) and had a E36 M3 load of gunpowder in barrels ready to blow the whole lot sky high. Their mistake was warning the few Catholic Members of Parliament to stay away. They raised the alarm and there were several searches which turned up nothing. Just hours before the big bang another Search found Guy Fawkes with the barrels. The British Monarchy and Parliamentary system was saved and Guy Fawkes plus his conspirators were hung, drawn and quartered.
To celebrate the saving of the Monarchy and Parliamentary system the Brits have a big ass bonfire and burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes on top of it then let off fireworks in celebration.
Borking forum software. Even with double spaces and 4, yes FOUR returns after each paragraph my post above is still showing as one long paragraph.
Strizzo wrote: In reply to Adrian_Thompson: Gotta have two spaces after each line, then returns.
I have two spaces AND 4 returns, still fubard
DoctorBlade wrote:914Driver wrote: Wonder how many Occupy protesters know that story......Zero, I'd say.
V for Vendetta was great and all, but it totally misses who he actually was and what he really did. At least with the original graphic novel they accept more of the terrorist anarchist side of V
Adrian_Thompson wrote:DoctorBlade wrote:V for Vendetta was great and all, but it totally misses who he actually was and what he really did. At least with the original graphic novel they accept more of the terrorist anarchist side of V914Driver wrote: Wonder how many Occupy protesters know that story......Zero, I'd say.
True, but if it's a choice between reading Alan Moore's whining vs the Movie... I'm hitting netflix.
914Driver wrote: Typing from the wrong side of the road again?![]()
You laugh, but there are annoying differences between UK and US keyboards!
Adrian_Thompson wrote: Borking forum software. Even with double spaces and 4, yes FOUR returns after each paragraph my post above is still showing as one long paragraph.![]()
This problem happens when you start typing directly below </blockquote
If you leave a line between that and the what you type, it will show up normally.
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