150th Anniversary. Whatever.
In true Canadian style, Ontario spent a quarter million dollars on the worlds largest rubber duck, and our warm fuzzy Prime Minister/substitute high school drama teacher will be doling out selfies and hugs as a way to deflect criticism of his complete and utter inability to answer a question or make a hard decision or hurt someone's feelings.
Anyway I am from British Columbia and we didn't get invited to join for another four years after Confederation so it is really an Eastern holiday.....except for Quebec who don't really want to be here and hold the rest of us to ransom, and of course the natives who have set up a protest teepee right beside the main stage because they never really invited the rest of us and would like us all to leave again........
Other than that, Canada day seems to mostly consist of congratulating ourselves over how unAmerican we are. A lot of smugness in other words.
Anyway, its a long weekend so there is that.
I had pure Maple Syrup on my pancakes this morning. We're eating Maple Leaf cookies now, and doing yard work in the sunny Okanagan (fellow BC'er here too).
What else would be a good way to celebrate Canada day? Crullers and back bacon? Beer? Pea Soup?
Some entertainment for today:

Just in case you thought Canadian politics was all sweetness and light, eh.
bearmtnmartin wrote:
150th Anniversary. Whatever.
In true Canadian style, Ontario spent a quarter million dollars on the worlds largest rubber duck, and our warm fuzzy Prime Minister/substitute high school drama teacher will be doling out selfies and hugs as a way to deflect criticism of his complete and utter inability to answer a question or make a hard decision or hurt someone's feelings.
Anyway I am from British Columbia and we didn't get invited to join for another four years after Confederation so it is really an Eastern holiday.....except for Quebec who don't really want to be here and hold the rest of us to ransom, and of course the natives who have set up a protest teepee right beside the main stage because they never really invited the rest of us and would like us all to leave again........
Other than that, Canada day seems to mostly consist of congratulating ourselves over how unAmerican we are. A lot of smugness in other words.
Anyway, its a long weekend so there is that.
My word, never have I read anything more accurate.
SkinnyG wrote:
I had pure Maple Syrup on my pancakes this morning. We're eating Maple Leaf cookies now, and doing yard work in the sunny Okanagan (fellow BC'er here too).
What else would be a good way to celebrate Canada day? Crullers and back bacon? Beer? Pea Soup?
We had our home made maple cured back bacon for breakfast this morning, with a big glass of homo - from a bag.
Well we didn't really have it with milk. I can't, in good conscience, support the dairy industry in this country.
How to be Canadian
Streetwiseguy wrote:
My word, never have I read anything more accurate.
That ticks all of the boxes.
And Tim Horton's is just ok.
Barenaked Ladies are alright and Rush kicks ass. Also John Candy and Kids in the Hall.
You're good neighbors and sometimes I dip in to Dawson City, YT just to eat breakfast. When I come back, I always shoot guns as soon as I get home.
You're damn good neighbors and we appreciate you anyway.
There are always those ready to pee on a party. Just untwist your panties for a day and try to ignore those having a good time.
I'm wearing my 2014 Team Canada shirt from the Bay and mowing down pancakes doused in maple syrup that I buy - in cans by the case - from the farmers in the Ottawa market. Maybe I'll have a Montreal style bagel tonight too. No poutine for me today, unfortunately. But I'll struggle through.
Happy 150th, Canada!
Thanks Keith,
On a happier note we have two barn cats named Lucy and Daphne. Lucy came from a nice immigrant family but had to leave because she couldn't get along with her siblings. Daphne is an orphan. How many Canadians know why they're named what they are?
Here in Perth (Australia) a local restaurant hosted Canada Day celebrations. For the occasion, they served Caesars (the drink), beavertails, poutine, mulled wine and Canadian beer. The crowd was mostly Canadian, wearing Canadian paraphernalia.
It was fun.
You guys should really figure them out. Sort of like a Bloody Mary that doesn't slide down your throat like a garden slug.
Wine from Prince Edward County in Ontario, a little maple smoked salmon. What's not to love 
True story.
I went out for lunch a few weeks ago at a little husband and wife run restaurant/deli in town. It's a tiny little place with only 4 or 5 tables. He's Slovak, she's Colombian, the food is incredible. There were two city workers eating and one guy at the counter getting some take out. I ordered, sat down for a bit then went to the bathroom to wash my hands. When I came back and started eating the city workers were at the counter paying. One of them came over, and with a thick Eastern European accent said to me, " you know, my friend, you live in the best country in the world". I wasn't sure what he was trying to say, but he continued. He pointed at my phone and wallet on the table, "where I come from, people beat you up and steal this. You went to the bathroom, left them sitting on the table, they were there when you got back, and you didn't think anything about it".
He was right.
Of all the ways a government could piss away money, making a giant rubber ducky doesn't sound all that bad.
America's hat is getting uppity with how much better they are. If we had not sent a crappy general and expidition up north in 1812 it would just be the cold part of America where nobody lives.