So I purchased a Seagate 2TB SSD drive, and will be a second hard drive, I contacted Seagate as I do not have the proper cords to install it, they replied with get standard cords, which I don't know what that is. Does anybody have any advice on which SATA cord to use.

Just looks like a standard connection. for the connection to the motherboard
The other connector is for the power and that should come from the power supply or you may need an adapter like this:
You'll need a SATA internal data cable and a SATA internal Power cable.
If your original drive is SATA, then you should have a spare SATA power connection available.

So you should only need a standard internal SATA cable, which are available in various lengths and with either straight or 90 degree ends.
Mount the drive where it will live and determine how much cable you need to get to the hard drive port on the motherboard.
Find your power connector and verify that it will reach and is the correct style.
Go to and order your data cable (for example, here's an 18-inch cable):
If you need a Molex to SATA power adapter, then I'd look at this instead to make it more simple:
There are other options available.
This link might help: