1/6/17 8:13 a.m.
From the Craigslist home page, I'll type in a word, hit enter, and then the last 2-8 letters of the word that I typed in disappear--for instance, if I type in "Canoe" it searches for "Ca" or just "C". Been driving me nuts lately--is it just me?
I'm on Chrome FWIW.
I have been experiencing this issue as well and it is quite maddening. I type in a keyword such as 4Runner and as soon as I hit enter the last two letters disappear. Also using chrome. I have noticed that it seems to happen when I enter the word and hit enter rapidly afterwards. If I wait a second and then hit enter it seems to work fine.
Yep. I think it's trying to autocorrect while you hit enter
Same here. I just type in the search and wait 5 or so seconds for the whole word to pop up before hitting enter.
CL autocorrect really kills me because I have to hit enter twice. Type in "740il" for example, and the first best autocorrect option is "740il". Hit enter, and CL selects "740il" as what you meant to say (oh really? that's what I meant to say? how ever did it know?). Then you have to hit enter AGAIN to make it start searching.
New Reader
1/6/17 10:11 a.m.
I've found if I pause slightly between entering the last letter of my search and pressing the enter key it will accept all the letters in my search phrase.
Happens in safari as well, I've noticed some local CL will try to find you search query in different categories and then only search the first category. Argggh. I don't care about BBS in toys...