What's everybody like? I'm looking for a kitchen, general purpose, and probably should go for a garage chemical one as well.
I don't have the hookup to get them for free anymore, and I'm realizing we don't have any here at the house past baking soda and three separate 100ft hoses.
Not really. I asked a little while ago, after finding an even older thread... I just grabbed a "garage" extinguisher from the big box store as a stopgap, expecting to add at least one more and contemplating adding a CO2 or Halon-replacement (Novec? Zero 360?) extinguisher for right at the car on the grounds that while I will try very hard not to start any fires, I'd love to put one out without creating a giant cleanup project if it happens.
Go upscale, and check out the Element. I want, but don't own one.

In reply to David S. Wallens :
Credit where credit's due; I forgot that's why I even had the Novec link while looking for non-messy extinguishers.
In reply to Jesse Ransom :
I carry Likfeline's Novec bottle in the 911. It cost a few bucks, but think of the cleanup with any other conventional extinguisher.
Anything is better than nothing...
In reply to David S. Wallens :
Yarp. Just pinged Lifeline for a recommendation for a bracket for mounting a small Novec in a road car. Good to have it there, and I can pull it out to have it handy in the shop when doing things with an above average chance of hot. (Having the messy type on hand all the time)

Ironic timing. After a three year renovation, I almost burned the house down this past weekend and had no fire suppression available... Even more ironic because fire suppression is kinda my thing.
I am putting a Lifeline 3kg handheld in the kitchen. Zero cleanup, evaporates fully, and totally controllable with a handle pull. ABC fires. https://www.lifeline-fire.com/lifelinezero360novec1230handheld.aspx
And agree on the Element comments. Novec doesn't cover K fires (like kitchen grease). I'm not as wild about the uncontrollable activation aspect inside my house, but supposedly there is no cleanup - but I've seen Novec in action and I just know it better. But I'm in the process of getting one of these for the kitchen to keep near the range, as well as a couple other places in the house.
I put an Element stick in my Toyobaru the same time I added my custom oil cooler setup put together by an amateur, it's compact, lightweight, and maintenance-free.