Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) said:
Situational awareness is so important, might save your property, might save your life.
I always come to a stop with enough room between me and the car in front of me to make a sudden move if necessary. I'm usually aware of the vehicles around me (mostly because I like cars), I think only once I was in a situation where evasive maneuvering was required (buddy's stalker ex was trying to follow me).
I've never been in a carjacking situation, but my last stay in the US ended with a concealed carry permit and my 1911 (1942 build date) carried at my six. I dunno if my tolerance for crime was just lower after having lived in Europe, or if things had indeed gotten worse in my absence. But in the three years we were back in Tacoma, it seemed like we had more run ins with drug related issues than either Mrs. Hungary or I've had in our entire lives.
The CCL came about after we went to the library one day (mind you, we've had multiple run ins by this point). Mrs. Hungary was the driver, parked across the street and down the road a little from the entrance. We exited the car and crossed the street and I noticed three grown men stand up as soon as they thought our backs were turned and start heading our way. Once Mrs. Hungary and I were at the other sidewalk it was a straight shot to the library entrance. I simply turned and looked directly at the lead individual and maintained eye contact until we got to the entrance (I had my hand on the small of Mrs. Hungary's back as kind of a lead). I don't think they were aware that we noticed their presence because their walk slowed WAY down once eye contact was made.
When we got in the library they turned and headed in the other direction. I made sure to watch the car and the path leading to when we got out.
CCL application followed shortly after.
Only suspicious a few times, I look at them as if to say " try me". Always keep an exit route in mind even if that means through another car or whatever. I have kids and just pretend that they are in danger if I feel like someone is coming after me or my car. I will definitely sacrifice my car to avoid a situation.
Recently a car drive around me in the turn lane then stop in front of me at green light and waited until it turned red on. No one else around but not really in a secluded area so I just laid on the horn for 30 seconds to make sure anyone around started looking. Not sure what they were up to but they took off.
Situational awareness is paramount, I constantly try to instill this with my fiance.
I learned that at 16 when I worked for Quik Trip. Being held up, speaking with the LEO's, etc.
Thank you for everyone sharing your stories. Next time something like happens, they will see something with a decimal. 
And we all need Margie around.
I worked at a gas station in high school. One night a lady pulls in, buys gas, we pumped it at the time. The day guy did it, I hadn't punched in yet. Lady paid with a credit card.
Day guy runs the card and leaves it on the counter and goes back outside. "Ma'am, there's a problem with the card". What? No way!! "Ma'am, please talk to the boss, he knows more about this stuff than I do". Huffy, she heads in. Boss hands her the card; "There's nothing wrong with your card, but did you know there's someone laying on the floor of your car?"
We all looked out and saw a big guy bail from the car and run across Wolf Road. Two nights later a girl was killed in her car in the mall across the street. So ugly, they covered the car with a tarp and took it out. Lemuel Smith was arrested for that one and others. Killed a female CO while in prison.
I often think of some of these badass wannabees, gangstas? should be tossed in a cell with Mr. Smith for a day or two to hone the attitude a bit.
In my early 20's I was sitting at a stop light in a VW Rabbit with windows rolled down. This was near New Orleans but in the next parish over.
Dude walks up, gets into my car, and tells me to give him ride to Downtown.
I picked up my .357 and told him to get the F**k out of my car. He says ok dude, its cool, and got out.
Tenderloin, Oakland, Pittsburg, Antioch, Oakley. Living in the East Bay was no joke, especially when you pretty much permanently smelled like a pot farm.
Get big, get mad, never travel alone or unarmed, never go out at night.
Although in all honestly, CHP were way worse than the tweakers in the towns.