"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
They say Socrates quoted this - 2300+ years ago? People don't change.
Crazy kids, always gobbling up dainties...
Every generation says these things about the next one. Just like the "End" is coming, it has been for a long, long time.
i want the dainties, but I have absolutely no plans on working for them, Im entitled to them, but thats ok cuz...oh wait, hold on, just got a text ....................
........................ha that was funny....wait what were we talking about?
I realize that this happens with all the new generations, but this one (mine) seems different. I remember as a kid everyone talking down about the gen-X'ers, yet they seem to be doing just fine.
I think alot of it comes from the now widespread mentality that everyone has to go to college to get a job, and once you graduate you will get a good job.
You know, I don't agree with being lazy, but I do agree with the whole "be poor and have more free time" thing. I have friends with nice stuff, but the work constantly to afford, and never get to enjoy it. You can have just as much fun with a 1500 dollar miata as you can have with a 20000 dollar miata with alot less payment.
joey48442 wrote:
You can have just as much fun with a 1500 dollar miata as you can have with a 20000 dollar miata with alot less payment.
Depends entirely on the caliber of woman you expect to accompany you
4cylndrfury wrote:
joey48442 wrote:
You can have just as much fun with a 1500 dollar miata as you can have with a 20000 dollar miata with alot less payment.
Depends entirely on the caliber of woman you expect to accompany you
Hmmm lets take your logic and examine my current relationship. I have a FREE '80 Olds Cutlass that is turning into a frankenstein borrowing from just about every GM division there was. I have a girl that likes to help me work on the car, will get to be a complete greasy mess. Bought me an old Russian bolt action rifle for valentines day and put up with me building a black smith forge with the sole request I don't hurt myself.
I think I will keep the caliber of woman I have I don't think that I could ask for more. Oh she also works harder than most men I know.
lol Rebel, theres a lot of wiggle room in my comment, so I guess it also depends entirely on your point of view on women

I'm from Ireland, I just started my third waiters position, could have had a fourth, but there just ain't enough hours in the week, and yet in SE D.C. there is almost 30% unemployment, where apparently Obama's going there for church service yesterday was a morale booster for the community. How about getting off your lazy feckin' asses, learn how to work hard, be polite to guests and you'll make a E36 M3 ton of money in this city! rant off. Maybe I should just go back home and stop stealing jobs from the more deserving, or join the Army, I'm 37, and stupefyingly bored at times.
Flame suit on, cinched tight. 
I work 55-60 hours a week, and got two job offers in the last 5 days. Yet everyone that i know who is unemployed wants to tell me that there's no jobs available.
Maybe to get a job offer it's a pre-requisite that you're already employed now?
93celicaGT2 wrote:
I work 55-60 hours a week, and got two job offers in the last 5 days. Yet everyone that i know who is unemployed wants to tell me that there's no jobs available.
Maybe to get a job offer it's a pre-requisite that you're already employed now?
I'll admit the last point helps, kinda like once you start dating again women come outta the woodwork, I've been single for some time now
However, take that E36 M3ty job now! I still cruise CL even tho' all of my jobs range from decent to money.
Well, these aren't even jobs that i applied for... One instance, i was at the Mazda dealership, and the service writer saw that i was asking for mazda parts and knew exactly what i wanted, and asked me if i wanted a job as a tech. Basic stuff. Oil changes, brakes, tire mounting, etc etc etc with oppurtunity for advancement. He said they'd been advertising the job for weeks, and had less than 10 applicants, and none of them were anyone they were interested in hiring.
People are becoming complacent with being unemployed.
I work in the cleaning industry currently. In areas where cheap labor (aka: illegal immigrants) is available, low-paying cleaning jobs are usually easy to fill. In areas that are further from the border, or where new enforcement laws make it tougher to hire illegals, these jobs are tougher to fill. Everyone wants to work at the mall or make a lot of money...or screw it they will stay home and live off mom and dad. I know there are a lot of issues with how low minimum wage is and welfare dependency and such, but people are less willing to dig ditches these days.
On top of younguns who are generally lazy, I get a special degree of useless that comes with gov't work. There is a whole group of people living in their parents basements taking gov't tests and waiting to get called for a job. They have been told by the news and people that don't work for the gov't that it's like winning the lottery. I enjoy being the one to drag them down into reality letting letting them know that they will be working pretty near every holiday, weekend ect for the forseeable future, and sending them home when they can't get here on time. Unlike what they've been told we run on a schedule. If you aren't here to do it we have people that will. Luckily most of those people don't make it off probabtion or they find another test where they become someone elses headache.
rebelgtp wrote:
4cylndrfury wrote:
joey48442 wrote:
You can have just as much fun with a 1500 dollar miata as you can have with a 20000 dollar miata with alot less payment.
Depends entirely on the caliber of woman you expect to accompany you
Hmmm lets take your logic and examine my current relationship. I have a FREE '80 Olds Cutlass that is turning into a frankenstein borrowing from just about every GM division there was. I have a girl that likes to help me work on the car, will get to be a complete greasy mess. Bought me an old Russian bolt action rifle for valentines day and put up with me building a black smith forge with the sole request I don't hurt myself.
I think I will keep the caliber of woman I have I don't think that I could ask for more. Oh she also works harder than most men I know.
Sounds like Jamie... She loves my frankenstien miata, which has the body of a 94 and the drivetrain of a 92 and bits from as near as I can figure all the NA years, change the old Russian bolt action (I'm assuming a mosin nagant 91/30 or m44) to a walther ppk/s that she bought me for our first wedding anniversary, and change the blacksmith forge to a garage we built and you have described her. And she does work harder than any guy or girl that I know.
The one event that hammered this home for me was at age 10.
I needed (wanted) a new rear tire for my bike.
When I informed him, he simply replied "well go get one!"
I soon realized that it was up to me to earn the money and find a way to the store myself.
Mowed some lawns and rode on my bald tire 22 miles round trip and bought a new tire.
Also realized that the cool skid marks that I left on the driveway were not as cool anymore.
Over heard a man comment to a youngling about his display of tire smoke at a local parking lot..."I remember when my daddy paid for my tires too!".
Why the heck did we get stuck with the name Millennials, that's a really dumb name.
could be worse.. you could be a "baby buster"
4/6/10 11:42 a.m.
Hmmmm... I've decided to look for a boy toy to help me work on my cars. 
The thing that kills me is people's apparent unwillingness to continue learning. The world changes too fast now, and whatever you learned in school 10 or 15 years ago just isn't enough. In my field, if you don't understand things like CSS3 selectors (and which browsers support them) or the differences between Webkit, Gecko and Tasmin rendering engines, you just don't have much value as a web designer to me. Having built a site in dreamweaver doesn't cut it.
It's not that anything I do is particularly difficult, but people who wish to be in the field can't be bothered to know anything.
4/6/10 10:32 p.m.
The one thing that does make sense from that article is the lack of interest in putting in tons of hours. I know plenty of people who went from 40-45 hours a week jump to 50-60 while taking a pay cut.
The accepted norm of bust your ass, put in the hours and you'll get rewarded has been exposed as a bit of a sham. That doesn't even count putting aside other things in life from working constantly.
I personally have a pretty strong work ethic, but I find it hard to fault people who place a high value on their free time. That said, there is a definite line between laziness and setting reasonable boundaries.
I have to admit that I am one of the "bad" millenials that they're talking about. My wife got a job teaching and now I'm a stay at home and do nothing kinda guy. Sure, there are days when I will get out and cut down and haul off a tree, or tear down and haul off a building, but they're not constant.
I am a registered substitute teacher. The calls have been getting slimmer as the year has gone on. That happens.
While I sit here right now, 2:28 in the morning, I have a load of scrap metal sitting in my truck that I need to take to the scrapper tomorrow. I have another couple of loads waiting. When I need money, I know how to get it. I know it requires work, and for me, a lot of times it's hard work, but I know what to do.
To add further to my story, my father owns a lawn service and works a full time job as a custodian for our school district. He has about 15 years in with the district and will retire when he hits 20 to take on his lawn service as a full time affair. He's enlisted my help to expand his company to the point where there's 3 people working (my father, my brother, and myself). You would think that I'd be all over that, but some days, I don't want to bother. Other days, I'm designing truck wraps and calling around to land us accounts. Things just seem to come and go.
My generation seems to want to only work when they want. I guess that's what we get for taking out the trash "when I'm done with beating this level."
VanillaSky wrote:
My generation seems to want to only work when they want. I guess that's what we get for taking out the trash "when I'm done with beating this level."
be real interested to see how that works out when you're 70+ and still working 'cause you didn't put in any steady time , or make enough to fund any retirement accounts,... learn from your elders... start now, then you can do what you want later, it tends to work out better...
I have officially given-up trying to understand people... It actually happened this week at work.
Short Version --- Just before the "Launch-Curve" for the JK Wrangler, I got a job at the Toledo Jeep Supplier Park, working for the company that assembles the body-in-white. Roughly half of the people on the line were folks who did 30-and-out at the old Jeep plant, and were offered a nice compensation package to help get the new line up and running. The other half were "new" hires, that had to be brought in for Chrysler to get the tax-incentives to keep the Wrangler in Toledo. For alot of the "new" hires, this is their first "real" job.
I'm one of the "new" guys, but I'll be 44 this month. So I'm kinda stuck in the middle age-wise. Technically, I have more in common with "the kids" than with the "old-school" UAW guys, except for the fact that I was in the automotive-supplier sector at my previous job... Oh, and I actually like cars and have followed the industry for most of my life... And I entered the job with a less-than-favorable view of the "typical" UAW worker.
The sad thing is, most of the the old-school UAW hardliners that I work with actually understand that the industry has changed more in the last two years than it has in all the other years since they started. They get it.
The "new" guys, on the other hand, apparently believe that they are smart enough to box with God. We have our union elections coming up this week, and all I've heard is these "kids" saying E36 M3 like "My dad worked at Jeep 25 years ago, and they used to do things this way..." The old guys will calmly tell them something like "I worked with your dad, until he got fired... And he deserved to get fired. You idiots need to wake-up!!!"
At which point the old guy will be told to "Just berkeleying retire, I'm looking-out for me!!!"
I feel like I'm living in Bizarro-World lately...