5/26/11 8:05 p.m.
I hope this isn't a repost...
NASCAR speeder
Kyle Busch was cited for going 128mph in a 45mph zone. He was test driving a Lexus.
If it was me, they would have to call in crime scene cleanup to clear up the teeth, blood and the 7 shades of E36 M3 the cops beat outta me for doing something like that.
5/26/11 11:06 p.m.
rumor has it lexus gave him the car and asked him to go get a speeding ticket in it...
He was cited in an LFA in Moorseville, NC, the heart of NASCAR. I don't agree with it, but it doesn't surprise me. The cop was probably a fan.
Strizzo wrote:
rumor has it lexus gave him the car and asked him to go get a speeding ticket in it...
Meh. Jalopnik is like the National Enquirer of automotive journalism.
I'd take that with a grain of salt.
Racer1ab wrote:
Strizzo wrote:
rumor has it lexus gave him the car and asked him to go get a speeding ticket in it...
Meh. Jalopnik is like the National Enquirer of automotive journalism.
I'd take that with a grain of salt.
Or the Huffington Post of Political "journalism". 
Junior Johnson would probably b!tch slap him for not outrunning the cops, especially in that car. Ain't that how NASCAR got started decades ago...outrunning the police?

How much white lightnin' ya'll figger ya can put in a LFA?
Is that the Busch brother that got the DWI a few years ago? I met him and poked my head inside his car a few years ago at Store 100.
Dr. Hess wrote:
How much white lightnin' ya'll figger ya can put in a LFA?
Is that the Busch brother that got the DWI a few years ago? I met him and poked my head inside his car a few years ago at Store 100.
Nope. It was the other brother in Az.
Racer1ab wrote:
Meh. Jalopnik is like the National Enquirer of automotive journalism.
You just gave me my new signature
Someone i know just got pulled over at the exact same speed in a 45 zone on a motorcycle, by an off duty officer out of his jurisdiction on his way home from work. He didnt even get a ticket or any other local on duty officers called to the scene.
I never get out of any tickets, ever. FML.
Dr. Hess wrote:
How much white lightnin' ya'll figger ya can put in a LFA?
Is that the Busch brother that got the DWI a few years ago? I met him and poked my head inside his car a few years ago at Store 100.
I was thinking white marching powder.