9/10/09 10:15 a.m.
I recently bought a used 96 nissan hardbody truck, and a previous owner had completely removed the headliner and sunvisors. when i bought it it really didn't bother me, but when the sun shines on it, the a/c can't keep up with the heat transferred into the cab via the roof skin. it probably doesn't help either that the truck is a dark gray.
i tried getting a replacement headliner from nissan but they are NLA. the hardbodies at the salvage yard had already had most of their glass pulled, and then been rained in, so most of their interior parts were toast. anyone know of a material that would be good to use for the inside of the roof to insulate the cab? i was thinking something like dyna-mat, but i've heard that it can turn into a runny goo on a hot summer day.
alternately, any suggestions on just getting a stock-type replacement? would a headliner shop be able to create a new one without having the original backing board?
Find a backing board that isnt broken, take the old fabric off, and glue new headliner fabric on. Anything else will be alot more complicated/expensive.
how about reflectix?
then some carpet over that?
9/10/09 11:28 a.m.
Autolex wrote:
how about reflectix?
then some carpet over that?
that might work, i wonder how headliner adhesive would hold up to the heat if applied directly to the roof skin.
i also have a call into a headliner shop, they said they'd call me back after they try and find a backing board
A note on installation; it is easier to get off yer hootus then bedliner.
What about that heat insulation stuff from Home Depot that the BMW (I think, been a while) guys use?
9/10/09 12:43 p.m.
Dr. Hess wrote:
What about that heat insulation stuff from Home Depot that the BMW (I think, been a while) guys use?
any idea what it is/was called?
It was the Miata crowd, not the Beemer crowd. Whatever.
9/10/09 1:57 p.m.
i saw this stuff advertised in the mag, but i'm not sure about its ability to stay stuck hanging in the texas heat.
Try that special 3M headliner spray-on glue. Wally world carries it. I see that the stuff I linked to is the same stuff Autolex posted, just a different big box store.
9/10/09 2:10 p.m.
i have some 3M headliner adhesive already, maybe i'll give it and the reflectex a shot if the headliner shop can't find a backing board, or wants a big pile of cash to do it.
9/11/09 5:26 a.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
A note on installation; it is easier to get off yer hootus then bedliner.
LOL...that was a great thread.