Mod Squad
8/30/14 5:36 p.m.
Hey guys. I just retired and now I am happily back in the ATL. Mableton actually.
I am running with Sonic and the TPM for Lemons south this September. I have a Suburban and if you guys need any help hauling stuff down, lemme know.
Otherwise, my wife is out of town for two weeks this month and I would be happy to help you guys wrench, sand or paint. I have little skills in any of those but I bring beer.
Happy to be home.
PM, or email at evilmental at gmail dot com
8/30/14 5:47 p.m.
Welcome home, Mental!
Retired...I'm SOO jealous!
I'd love a hand on the Mumpkin, but I am 3 hrs south of ATL, so probably not gonna work.
Congrats on the retirement, and welcome back to the easssss coasssst!! Sadly I am going to miss CMP due to my crazy busy schedule at the moment trying to get the new house move in ready. Now I'm extra sad since you're going to be there!
8/30/14 7:46 p.m.
come on over to the Ham, I could use the help........Birmingham

That's 'Jawja' BTW.
I'm beyond help, can't drive Sept at CMP (drat!) but will try to wander up and spectate for a while. Hope to see you there!
Mod Squad
9/1/14 8:39 p.m.
Thanks guys.
Trying to get back into the swing of things.
While I was deployed I probably wrote everyday, and planned all kinds of sinister things for vehicles. I got home this past January and work was full tilt nightmare. I failed to build my Saints to Sinners car, didn't finish my track project and ended up leaving my Elky in Oklahoma. I got 1/2 a LeMons race in because my buddies built the car while I was gone and it still blew up.
Since getting here a month ago, I haven't written a word, turned a wrench or a wheel. Arrraagghh! This is why I retired.
But I still need to get a job and the wife and I are re-doing the bottom floor of the house.
But in any event, I am gonna figure out a schedule and get on it. Aside from the race with Three Pedal Mafia, I probably won't get much done this year but next year I plan on being a gearheading fool.
In October I plan on driving my El Camino back from OKC, Birmingham is on the way. I will try to swing by.
This is great news indeed!!!
Kevin & co. are way more involved in the LeChump thing than the me/Waynimal/Tommyboy/Les faction these days, but I DO have good friends down your way whom I visit monthly to drink and cook meat on fire with, and you're always welcome to swing up this way.
I'll shoot you an email. Let's get up soon, dawg. It just ain't yer day.
EDIT: There is a stalled Challenge Festiva that needs finishin' if you feel the innate need to turn wrenches.
Hey dude! Looking forward to meeting you at CMP in a few weeks...I'm a 3PM driver and have heard lots of good E36 M3 about you. I used to live in PA, about 30 minutes from Sonic, but am now in the ATL too...Dallas/Acworth.
Mod Squad
9/2/14 11:01 a.m.
Poop! Got the email, awesome, replied! I saw the tR0n car at Eagles Canyon 2 years ago with Kevin and co when we debuted the Spec Pinata. I saw you guys are also running SCCA NASA type stuff and I would love to help crew for you if you need it.
Klayfish. Its all lies unless its about my hair. If ya wanna carpool lemme know. I am taking my Suburban, but I will also have dogs with me, so I hope you aren't allergic to/afraid of them.
Well, the only thing they talked about was your hair so... 
Thanks for the carpool offer, but I'm bringing the family truckster which doubles as my mobile hotel. I crash much earlier at night than most, so the van makes for easy living quarters.
9/2/14 2:43 p.m.
You two aren't allowed to carpool, we need both of your tow vehicles to bring the cars into town for the parade so we don't have to use the big ass RVs to make the short haul to town.
Mod Squad
9/2/14 4:33 p.m.
Nice. Well, maybe we will caravan then