They're actually pretty healthy, most likely because I rarely touch them.
Two rose bushes out by the street in my front yard. They're a bit of a pain. They're some kind of heirloom I think, but they always need trimming. If I don't keep up with them at least once a month between April and October, they pop out everywhere including in front of my mailbox. I usually get a very polite reminder from my postman.
I want them gone so I can do a proper hardscape/landscape up there. Do I just yank them? Do I post them for free on FB? Come dig and take? Are they worth anything to someone? $5?
Roses are weeds. Nasty weeds that bite back and are hard to kill. Chop them down mercilessly. Yank whatever roots you can find. If they're old enough the main stem may be big enough to dry and use for smoking? Rosewood smoked steak might be a thing. Or maybe craft something with it? Idk if that's where rosewood even comes from.
You gotta dig them out or salt the earth.
When we moved in I cut mine off at the dirt line. I Still have to weedwack mine every 2 weeks all summer long because they won't die off despite there being nothing above the ground.
I mowed over mine for about 5 years before it finally gave up.
Go to your local Tractor Supply and find a weed killer with 41% Glyphosate and spray them a few times. It gets to the root and wipes out whatever it's sprayed on. The trick is to spray it after a days worth of rain and when there is several days of sunshine to follow. You spray it on the green leaves and it gets absorbed. The reason for spraying it after rain and before a stretch of sunshine is it will be the last thing that the plant absorbs before going dormant for those few sunny days. It works and is what I use at all of the properties to control weeds, grass, "stuff" growing in the cracks of parking lots and more.
Here’s a link to a $20 container that makes 20 gallons of weed killer. If you decide to go this route, mix at 2x's their recommendation and give then hell!
Don't salt the earth, as then you won't be able to get anything to take there later on..
Water them, heavily, daily. The soil will become anaerobic and they'll develop root rot and die off. Once that's done you can till the soil to reoxgenate it so the nasty bacteria that had taken hold starts to die back off.
Wow. You guys don't like Roses :D
I think I'll get a strap on them and yank them with the van. It's a shame because they are truly beautiful, just not worth the work.
I have some 30% glyphosate which I use sparingly. I just don't want to kill all the other stuff from overspray. Maybe I'll nip it down to 10" or so and wait for it to re-leaf. Right now they're just so large (probably 8' x 8' x 8') and I can't imagine wasting that much glyphosate.
Here's the current setup:

And here is what I want to do:

barefootcyborg5000 said:
Roses are weeds. Nasty weeds that bite back and are hard to kill. Chop them down mercilessly. Yank whatever roots you can find. If they're old enough the main stem may be big enough to dry and use for smoking? Rosewood smoked steak might be a thing. Or maybe craft something with it? Idk if that's where rosewood even comes from.
So... You are saying I made a giant mistake planting a Rosa (Winnipeg Parks Rose) in my Burr Oak's watering hole or the Wild Prairie Roses in my flower garden?

In reply to VolvoHeretic :
I kinda hate getting rid of mine. I might just find another spot for them and see if they take.
I have yellow, red, and pink blooms all summer. Beautiful. But they're like a pretty girlfriend that sprawls out in bed leaving you no room.... and she has sharp thorns.
In reply to VolvoHeretic :
No way. Dig what you dig. I don't particularly dislike the way they look or smell. I like seeing bees out too. But when they're in a bad spot, they're a real treat to remove.
barefootcyborg5000 said:
In reply to VolvoHeretic :
But when they're in a bad spot, they're a real treat to remove.
That's the kicker for them. Mine are on either side of the sidewalk from the driveway to the house. Might have looked good a bunch of years ago, but now they're just thorny stabby things that try to take over the sidewalk.
At least all the other flowers the previous owners planted just look nice for a couple weeks then die off every year.
Except for whatever the hell sprouts the month of April and attacks ALL of our allergies. I don't know what kinda plant it is or where on the property it is, but get 1/4 mile away in either direction and the allergies clear up.