I don't suppose I could rustle up some help in Florida? I'm trying to buy some tools from AClockworkGarage and have Tuna hold onto them for me until I can grab them. The hitch is Tuna is 600 miles from ACG. However, there is hope! The tools are with ACG in Florida and Tuna is going to Florida for the Challenge. If we could find someone to hold onto the tools until the Challenge we'd be golden.
Not a ton of stuff. Basically the contents of a large tool chest. Not to bulky, but probably heavy. You can feel free to use the tools all you want until the Challenge.
His profile says Casselberry. Google tells me it's just north of Orlando. My Florida geography is weak.
In reply to Enyar:
In the part wedged between the Gulf and the Atlantic, you know the humid flat swampy part.
I live in Gainesville and can store them until the Challenge, no problem. That said, I don't have any way to get them here. If you could solve that part, I'm happy to house the stuff.
I'm in Melbourne, FL.
Also going to the challenge. LMK if I can help at all.
Both Gainesville and Melbourne are options. Working on logistics at this point. You guys are awesome.
I work in Orlando, live in Daytona and am likely going to be going to the challenge.
Main issue for me is space 8 cars, 4 engines etc with a two car garage.
If this something I could stuff a couplr large plastic bins that shouldn't be a problem. I could always drop them off with dyintorace if it is on the large side. I end up in Ocala for work relatively often which is pretty close to him.
Some cheap beer and maybe a 5 minute drive in the wagon if its coming along for the trip would be perfect. 
In reply to Greg Voth:
I'm sending you a message! Awesome!
Watch out, Greg will try to hook up a 5.0HO to it.
In reply to NordicSaab:
I've got plenty of stalled projects including a v8 rx7 chumpcar.
The bin is now in Gainesville. And, damn, it's heavy! 
4/30/15 8:56 p.m.
E36 M3,deuce is going to challenge? Does that mean I have to finish my 2012$ finally?
Thanks for all the help guys. I hope the tools serve mazdeuce well.
As for me, the money has been converted into a plane ticket. The PNW awaits.