My first ever new car is on the horizon. I'm not sure I can handle all these choices.
Getting a 2016 WRX premium.
I don't want the white or Black. I like silver, but a friend bought one in that color, so I don't want to do that.
I like the red, dark grey and Lapis Blue Pearl. Both the red and blue are new colors for 2016. Red appears to just be a variation of the 2015 red. The Blue is darker than world rally blue, but lighter than the dark blue they had in 2015.
Rims are different than pictured, they will be a dark silver 18 inch rim.

Somebody by my legacy too
This is what the rims look like(I think)

I think the blue looks best (and I'm not just saying that because it's an Impreza
WR Blue is the only way to rock a WRX or STI......
I tried black, but I'll never go back.
1988RedT2 wrote:
I tried black, but I'll never go back.
I bought my Altima brand new in 05 in black....looked stunning when clean and freshly waxed....the other 99.8% of the time it just looked dingy.
Out of those choices, blue.
FYI, the blue isn't world rally blue, it's a new shade of blue for this year.
Tough to tell but its dark grey, as they have a black option as well.
Colors I don't want White, Silver, Black and world rally blue.
6/25/15 12:48 p.m.
RED, RED, RED!! Every vehicle I have ever owned was red or changed to red soon after I got it.
Honestly, I'm not digging any of those colors. Have you seen them in person yet? I've noticed that a lot of dark metalic paints look much better in real life than in print or on a screen, so maybe the gray?
Personally, I'd get white, and add a set of bronze or gold metalic rims.
Pure Red looks nice

Lapis Blue Pearl

WR Blue Pearl

Dark Gray Metallic

Out of those (excluding WR Blue), I'd go for the red. That's pretty much the other color besides white, silver, black and WR Blue.
I would get white, but you ruled that one out, so I will say red.
I don't like the red in person. I do like the blue in person.
Haven't seen the graphite one in the flesh yet.
Dark grey is cool, but likely has many of the issues of black (why anyone would buy a black car is beyond me). Red is not bad, but I have a personal hatred of the color because of it's wild overuse in repainting old cars that color.
I like blue anyway, but if nothing else, for the above reasons, it is the default.
6/25/15 1:37 p.m.
There's a red STi sitting on the pad at the local Subie dealer. It looks pretty sharp. I actually prefer the blue a little, but the red gets the nod for being different. Personally I think I'd go for white.
The red just does not look right to me. I would go blue or the dark grey in that order I think.
Put me down as a traditionalist: blue for WRXs.