I have a few summer projects I want to get done but can't find what I'm looking for:
First, I want to add some led Christmas lights to my grillzebo to match my porch but don't want to bury a line out there. is there a way to rig up a small solar panel and battery to a string of these lights? Ideally some cheap Harbor Freight security light could be broken up and used but I'm never sure of what size panel, batt. ect I need. I'd like to get 3-4 hours a night out of them. https://www.1000bulbs.com/product/111469/CMS-50WA-6GMU.html
Next, nice wooden folding chairs. They were all over when I was a kid now I cant find them. I'm short on space but want a nice set I can use to have dinner outside. Simple, sturdy with no armrests would be ideal/
Third, I want a permanent cable TV outlet. right now I connect 30 feet off wire to the outlet in the living room. If I put a T into the line outside the house and ran a dedicated line to where I want the box on my porch would it screw up the signal in the rest of the house?
I just typed "wooden folding chair" in Amazon and got a million hits.
The "T" fitting should be fine, cable splits are common.
Can't help you with the LED lights. Mine are hard wired and haven't been turned off in 3-4 years.
5/26/17 7:17 p.m.
For the cable I would get a splitter rather than just a "T" fitting, but very easy to do.
Wooden folding chairs can be found on the web, antique stores, etc. My Sister-in Law got a dozen from a funeral home going out of business for $1.00 each.
The led lights you linked are 120 volt. Solar power for that might be complicated. Look for some that are 12 volt which would make teh solar much easier.
if you are going to go to all the effort of running cable to your Gazebo, Why not run a hard line for power too?
If you want to go the battery route, check on amazon for 12v automotive Christmas lights. Just a matter of a battery and a solar charger at that point
5/26/17 10:21 p.m.
The harbor freight has solar powered rope lights I believe.
Do you want to run power according to city codes or just get her done? City codes mean special wire, buried x inches under ground with a breaker box and various permit$
Get her done could mean burying some pvc with an extension cord in it going to an external power oulet by the house. If it's a plug in cord then you don't need to swallow the cost of the $permit$ ...
Check Craigslist for chairs or put up a wanted ad. I drive past mountains of wood furniture every trash day.
Also look into simple diy wood chair plans via Google image search. A power saw, drill, tape measure will go a long way to making cheap stuff
Some progress:
Burying a wire to the grill isn't practical because of the rock in the ground but Amazon had some cheap solar powered lights that match the trailer trash party lights I made. So far so good. For my birthday I also got a couple tiki head torches to give us a bit more class.

Is it "cable" or another service like satellite or fiber based service?
Ikea has a bunch of different wooden folding chairs.