I'm turning over the old age odometer soon and it's getting me down. Thundercougarfalcongoat hits it 6 months after me and is doing a rally school (the bastard!) but I need something either up here (Portland or Seattle area) or maybe Sacramento (because we were talking about bring Jav Jr to Grandma's down there anyway).
Bucket list items:
- Drive a Ferrari (preferably an older one, 360, 550, and older)
- Rally school
- Drive a really quick drag car (like 8's or 7's, I've done 9.90)
- Drive a NASCAR
- Fly in a WWII fighter (I've done a C-47 and a Cub)
- Fly in a jet fighter/trainer
Help a brother out here, what should I start pestering SWMBO for?
(PS - It's January 3rd, so send me presents!)
Stock car is easy. Watch groupon. We scored (not Petty, but some other ASSCAR thing) for my FIL for half price.
Start going to MPCA (Micro Penis Club of America) meetings, and catch a drive in a prancing pony.
There's some "dogfight school" thing that a buddy did recently.
Personally, I say berkeley all that E36 M3 and grab a LeChump ride for a few hundred bucks.
In reply to poopshovel:
No LeChump on my actual b-day though.
Also, holy crabcakes that rally school is pricey. 

crapcan LeChump stuff is on my bucket list.
Javelin wrote:
In reply to poopshovel:
No LeChump on my actual b-day though.
Also, holy crabcakes that rally school is *pricey*. 
All that E36 M3 is pricey. berkeley rally school. Get together with those psycho maniac motherberkeleyers on here who do back-40 racing, and take a cheap vacation.
Javelin wrote:
I'm turning over the old age odometer soon and it's getting me down.
30 is old age??
You and Miley.... just wait till you hit 50... or 60... 
I would say buy a sports car but, that would be kind of redundant, wouldn't it.
Age is a state of mind. You are only as old as you feel.
For my 30th, I built a new BMX bike. For my 40th, we flew up to New York City to see Suicidal Tendencies--like three days after seeing them here in Florida.
Boy, turning 30 is a fuzzy memory for me and that was only nine years ago. My then girlfriend, now wife and I went out for dinner at some spanky steak joint here in town.
I've been feeling the dark cloud of 40 on the horizon. This coming year may be an interesting one. It's too bad I don't make more money!
My 30th was 2012. I went to work.
Javelin, show up to the Portland C&C sometime and hit up Mark Sholz with the red 308 GTS for a quick drive around the block. He'd probably be up for it, since he's a car guy and all.
Portland C&C is Saturday Mornings, 8:30-10:30, off Carmen drive and I-5.
He also runs a BMW in ChumpCar and is always looking for drivers. You can rent drivers gear now, so no need to invest heavily, except a helmet with HANS provisions as most teams share them.
10/12/13 9:46 a.m.
Pretty sure I was sick as a dog for my 30th.
Good luck, I have just under 6 months to figure out a plan for my 30. I have one friend wanting to have a guys trip to Vegas. If that happens I plan on renting a Lambo at LVMS. A real one, with a V-12 and vertical doors, none of this v-10 rebadged audi stuff.
More realistically I will see the new Captain America and have dinner at Outback.
The first birthday that caused me any real pause was 50. There is no way to do bad math and still convince yourself you are less than halfway home.
On the other hand, its a matter of convincing yourself that you don't really NEED a nap- I won the WCMA IT2 championship when I was 50, and was local super late model rookie of the year when I was 51.
30 is not even close to old. You probably don't even need cholesterol drugs yet, little man.
Javelin wrote:
Also, holy crabcakes that rally school is *pricey*. 
It helps if you tell yourself that money is only a concept and it's all faith based, worthless paper.
poopshovel wrote:
All that E36 M3 is pricey. berkeley rally school. Get together with those psycho maniac motherberkeleyers on here who do back-40 racing, and take a cheap vacation.
Hey. Us psycho maniac motherberkeleyers resent your implications....
Aaaah, who am I kidding. If the clown shoe fits....
And Javelin, he's not wrong. It's a great way to spend a Sunday.
Do a rallyschool?
Weaksauce. I might have a 2wd rally car that you could rent and do an event with (I'd co-drive and do support for you). Just sayin 
I hit it 16 days after you. Wanna go halfsies on a fighter jet? 
I've got kids that turned 30..
Wait, your supposed to have a midlife crisis at 30? Man, I'm late for everything.
I'm also turning 30 in a few months. I've decided I'm going to spend it weeping bitterly.
Come to the back 40 if you want. We put on a heck of a "Ricky Bobby Driving Experience" event.