So last year we lost both our dogs in a three month span - one to cancer that was misdiagnosed by a vet ( don't get me started) and one to old age. It was heartbreaking, especially since we don't have kids and these guys had been with us for 12 years.
Anyway, enough time has passed that we are bringing a new puppy home Friday, and I need help naming it. I'll say up front that SWMBO may or may not go for any name you jokers suggest, but we're sort of at a loss right now. The foster parent has been calling him Petey, but we don't really like that, and he's young enough he doesn't answer to anything specific yet. TBH, car-specific names aren't really my thing, but if it's really good it might get through.
So, here he is:

Currently about 8 weeks old. I suspect he won't be a huge dog, maybe 45lbs. No specific breed, just a good ol' mutt. He and 9 bros & sisters were found in a storage tote that had been dropped in a Goodwill Dropbox. My niece pulled them out and farmed them out to foster. He seems smart, but laid back. Which is what we want in a dog.
So, let's here 'em!
Looks like an Oscar to me
I like people names for dogs. I don't know why but the first thing that came to mind seeing him was Walter, Walt for short.
As a full name wal-TER has a good firm ending sound for calling him or scolding him. Walt, is a quick one syllable if just trying to get his attention.
My dog is Gertrude, and I've been trying to convince my sister to call her dog Mildred. (i.e. I am very skilled in the naming of dogs.
) He looks like an Arlo, Finley, or Fletcher to me.
Mike. I am always amused when people just give their dogs 'regular' people names.
I met a girl with a dog name "Diogee" I thought it was odd, until I spelled it out D-O-G. A dog named dog. That,s funny.
pinchvalve wrote:
I met a girl with a dog name "Diogee" I thought it was odd, until I spelled it out D-O-G. A dog named dog. That,s funny.
When I was a kid I had a dog named Mr Dog. Because no one uses 3 syllables when screaming thru the woods to get the dog to come... he became Meeester.
Miata, aka the answer? And in this case its pronounced mi-ut-a
mtn wrote:
Can't see the picture.
It's Hotlinked from public dropbox, which usually works. Can ANYONE see the pic?
Good stuff so far, keep it up.
(Except "Stains." I see what you did there, but I always call name, command, so it doesn't work as
JohnRW1621 wrote:
I like people names for dogs.
Agreed, but I think he looks like a "Steve". Or you could go with the automotive theme and call him "Cam."
10/7/13 8:47 a.m.
He looks like a Rupert to me.
Stay. Steven Wright did a bit where he named his dog Stay. Come, Stay, come, Stay. It was a very confused dog.
10/7/13 8:50 a.m.
ultraclyde wrote:
mtn wrote:
Can't see the picture.
It's Hotlinked from public dropbox, which usually works. Can ANYONE see the pic?
Good stuff so far, keep it up.
(Except "Stains." I see what you did there, but I always call name, command, so it doesn't work as
Oh, probably not getting through the work filters.
I would favor a strong name that SWMBO wouldn't permit for a child. Thing mythology like Zeus, Odin, or Cronus